Chapter 5

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My dark brown irises remained heavily locked with Austin's icy blue ones as I continued to walk towards the VIP section. 

The high intensity between us was like a wild burning fire, desperately begging to be put out. 

My heart slammed loudly against my chest in unison with my heels each time they connected with the floor.

Why was he staring at me like that? I haven't done anything to him. 

He probably just doesn't like you Lena, Have you thought of that one? 

As I inched closer and closer to the rowdy group, Austin suddenly broke the line of sight and turned his full attention to Smitty who was talking to him on his right hand side. 

He placed his forearms on his knees and leaned forward, his form now relaxed as if nothing had just happened between us. 

Maybe because nothing did happen between you Lena. There goes that wild imagination of yours.

"Lena come sit! Where's your drink?" Vanessa yelled over the vibrating speakers of the club, diverting my attention away from Austin.

"Oh Chris is getting me something from the bar." I grinned at her. 

"Chris huh? I noticed him eyeing you up since you got here. He's a cutie." Natalie pipped in, with raised brows and an almost fake smile on her face.

I hadn't had much interaction with her since I had arrived but she seemed somewhat friendly. Despite my first impression and what Adam had to say about her, I was still willing to get to know her. 

I didn't like when people judged me without getting to know me so I didn't like doing that to others. But I couldn't help but feel like there was something about her that just rubbed me the wrong way.

"Uh- yeah he's pretty cute I guess." I shrugged, not sure what else to say.

"You should totally talk to him!" Natalie went on as she crossed her legs and took a sip of her Paloma cocktail. 

"Oh Nat, leave her alone! She literally just got here and you're trying to set her up with one of our own." Vanessa scolded.

"I'm just saying she should go for it." Natalie rolled her eyes. "And there's nothing wrong with getting with one of our own." She said mischievously before she got up from her seat and walked over to the vacant seat on Austin's left.

I watched as she sank down, ran her fingers through her long hair and placed her hand on his arm as she leaned in to speak to him.

He pulled the cigarette from his ear and placed it between his full pink lips, bringing his lighter up and sparking it lit. He inhaled deeply and quickly blew out a cloud of smoke, nodding his head up and down as he listened intently to what she was saying into his ear. 

I felt a sudden pang in my chest as I watched them interact in front of me.  

His eyes quickly found mine as he took another pull, catching me red handed as I was staring at them. 

The look in his eyes changed from serious to... Amused? 

I couldn't put my finger on it but I swear the smallest of smirks faintly formed on his face. 

Fuck Lena look away for God's sake

I looked down to floor and tried my best to shake off what ever strange feeling I had building up inside of me. 

"Ignore her, she's something else." Vanessa chuckled. "So are you even single?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah I've been single for like a year now." I replied, trying my best to shut out any memories from my past relationship from seeping into my mind. 

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