Chapter 38

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Austin POV

"I'm going to take a shower." Chris pushed his stool away from the island and began to stand to to his feet. "Lee, we can discuss the GQ contract after?"

My demeanor went from on top of the world to suddenly my blood beginning to boil as I watched him place his hand on Lena's arm.

"Yeah Chris sounds good, I'll ask them to email everything to the joint account." She answered, shifting her eyes to his direction.

"Cool. You look amazing today by the way." Chris added, Lena giving him a weak smile and muttering a small "thank you" as he gave me a pat on the shoulder before exiting the kitchen.

It was almost as if Lena predicted my annoyance as she turned to face me with a tiny smirk spread across her pink lips as I glared at her with a fire burning in my eyes.

"Oh this is amusing to you?" I said in a hushed voice as I sank into one of the empty chairs.

"Just a little." She chuckled as she took a seat next to me. "You're cute when you're jealous." Her voice was careful as she ensured it was low enough for only me to hear.

I frowned at her as I took a sip of my black coffee, frustrated with the fact that we were still sneaking around and had to pretend like we weren't in each others bed every night.

Oh, and each others hearts.

I mean last night had to mean something.

She had never let herself show me her most vulnerable side until now. That must mean she wants more right?

But I knew as much as I wanted to tell the entire world how I felt about her, I couldn't rush her. The last thing I could possibly want is to fuck things up and lose my chance at something real with this incredible woman.

And if she wanted to keep things private, then that's what we were going to have to do.

She was all I've ever been searching for and more and as much as I wanted to make it official, we were playing on her terms and I had to be patient. Because at the end of the day, being with Lena would be worth everything.

I glanced over to her as she piled her warm hand onto my own, her thumb rubbing back and forth along my knuckles.

"Austin, I'm yours."

Her whisper felt like calming rain on a scorching hot day. And suddenly all of my jumbled thoughts seemingly ceased to exist as I listened to her beautiful words that I had been waiting what felt like my whole life to hear.

Her dark irises were filled with certainty as I felt her guard crashing down by the second.

I wanted nothing more than to protect her, keep a smile on her stunning face, and assure her that I was going to doing anything and everything to keep her heart safe. I wanted her to know she no longer had to worry about getting hurt because I was going to make sure that she never felt pain ever again.

My lips tugged into a smile as if we were caught in some sort of enchanted spell. I was tightly trapped in her alluring gaze that I somehow drowned out every other noise and didn't even hear Natalie repeatedly calling my name from the living room, just a few feet away.

"Austin!" She yelled from across the room as Lena and I finally broke away from our intense moment.

My head turned in Natalie's direction to be met with her icy cold stare, her fuming eyes traveling back and forth between me and Lena.

"I'm sorry Natalie, I didn't hear you." I shook my head, clearly still clouded in some sort of daze from Lena's unexpected words.

"I only yelled your name like 3 times." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I was trying to tell you we need to pick an outfit for the lounge performance tomorrow night. We should probably go up to your room to look for something for you to wear." She was now batting her eyelashes towards me.

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