Chapter 33

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My legs were tightly wrapped around Austin's waist and his lips were locked tenderly with mine as he slowly carried me back into his house.

He quickly maneuvered us through the double doors, locking it behind us, without breaking our kiss for even a second.

He carefully placed me onto the cold marble island, giving my ass a small squeeze with both of his big hands as my fingers were twisted between his light brown locks.

I felt him hesitantly break the kiss as if it physically hurt him to pull away from me.

His nose brushed against mine and his sweet voice filled my ears as my arms were still circled around his tattooed neck.

"As much as I want to fuck you in every single room of this house, we have all the time in the world. I believe I owe you breakfast." He said as his hands slid up to gently rub my sides.

"A week is hardly all the time in world when we have to sneak around." I raised my brow to tease him.

He placed a quick kiss to my lips before he let go of me and turned away to walk over to the direction of the refrigerator.

"Well where ever we don't get to during this week, we'll definitely get to after my tour is over." He winked as he took out a carton of eggs, bacon, a bottle of milk and a pack of strawberries.

I opened my mouth to speak but as usual whenever this man caught me off guard, nothing came out. I hadn't even thought about what would happen once his US tour was finished. I mean I was still one of his managers and I would have to see him for all of his work related projects. But I wouldn't be with him every day like I was now. And I didn't know how to feel about that.

Was I really going to travel back and forth to sleep with him like some sort of frequent flyer booty call?

I desperately wanted to ask how things were going to work between us but I was much too afraid. I mean how was I going to ask when I didn't even know what we were?

"After your tour?" I spoke up, hoping my question would shed some insight on our situation.

"Yeah we have a month off between tours and atleast then, there won't be anyone else here and we could finally have some alone time." He gave me a warm smile as he began to shuffle around his cabinets for a frying pan.

"I was thinking you'd stay with me for the month before the Canada tour starts. I know you hate flying and that way you're not constantly getting on a plane to visit me."

Alright Lena keep your shit together.

I tried my best to remain calm but I don't think my heart could take the words spilling from his beautiful lips as he spoke to me.

I forced a smile but on the inside, my nerves were running on overdrive and suddenly my fears began creeping their way between us once again.

"You want me to stay with you? Here? For a whole month?" I questioned, ensuring I was hearing him correctly before I gave him my answer.

He let out a low chuckle at my baffled expression before he gave me a shy smile. "Of course I do Lena. I want you around all the time."

As usual, my heart and my brain were going head to head, fighting to see who was going to win this battle and leaving me unsure about who would ultimately win the war.

I was already in love with this man but that didn't mean he felt the same way, right?

I mean he only treats you like a princess and was currently in the process of cooking you freaking breakfast Lena. Oh and he invited you to live with him for a month. He totally doesn't have feelings for you at all.

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