Chapter 31

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"I wasn't going to let you leave anyway." Austin teased with confidence, sending a hum to the lower pit of my stomach as I willingly allowed him to capture my swollen lips with his own.

I could feel his lips twist into a satifactory grin against mine as he effortlessly got his own way without barely even trying.

I mean he did prove a point. After all, I did owe him.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable antics. He managed to be mysterious and sexy yet boyish and charming all at once. But it was one of many things I loved about him.

Fuck I was going to have to get used to that. Loving someone.

Loving Austin for that matter.

It felt like an eternity since I had opened my heart to let anyone in. And the fear that resided in my mind remained, although I had unexpectedly taken things to the next step and actually slept with Austin.

But right now, I wasn't going to dwell on my uncertainties after the beautiful heavenly encounter we had just shared together.

I wasn't sure what came over me, but it was if my body could not bear the idea of not knowing how he would feel deep inside of me.

It was more than a want.

More than a desire.

I needed him and I could not keep ignoring the roaring hunger that had been building since the moment I met this man. My body and my soul had been aching long enough.

I now felt closer to him than ever and not only was my physical needs more than satisfied but the love in my heart was growing by the second. I was almost bursting with emotions as I rested my cheek on the top of his head.

"I'm glad this happened here. In my house. In my bed." He muttered quietly, his voice breathy and soft as he buried his head comfortably into the crook of my neck.

"Me too." I whispered, clinging onto to him as if he were just a part of my wild imagination.

But his soft kisses peppering my collarbone reminded me that this was very much reality.

I felt the warmth of his skin pressing into mine, the softness of his curls wisping along my neck, and the roughness of his beard grazing against the crevasse of my breasts as his worn body melted into my own.

I felt his soft breaths dancing across my chest, creating the faintest of goosebumps as he exhaled.

My eyelids became heavy and I knew I would finally be able to get the sleep I was longing for.

I closed my eyes completely shut, feeling myself drift off slowly into a slumber.

I figured Austin had already fell asleep, as his body had relaxed into mine and his fingers no longer tracing the arch of my back.

I was seconds away from placing a goodnight kiss on the top of his curly hair before I dozed off but instead my eyes flashed open and I froze in place at Austin's low mumble.

"Why do you keep running from me Lena?"


4:15 am

I stirred in my sleep as I heard the birds begin to chirp through the open window.

I rubbed the exhaustion from my burning eyes as I attempted to stretch my sore body.

As I slowly shifted along the mattress, I felt an unfamiliar presence in the bed next to me and I was quickly reminded of where I was.

The room was still dark and peaceful, a cool breeze circulating it's way under the heavy blankets.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now