Chapter 56

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The smugest of smirks danced at my lips as Natalie's expression of pure horror refused to leave her utterly shocked face.

Her widened pupils were filled with jealously as they remained locked onto Austin and I. I almost began to feel sorry for her as I knew rejection was probably the most unpleasant feeling to dwell inside of girl who was desperately in love with someone who didn't feel the same way. The slightest bit of remorse creeped into my mind as my expression towards her nearly softened as I watched the pain spread on her face.

However Austin's grip began to tighten and his arm remained circled around my waist as I felt the tension in the room increase by tenfold. I felt Austin's wispy breath withering along the crook of my neck just before he  placed his lips along my already burning skin.

I watched Natalie's infuriation only intensify by the second as my gaze remained fixed with hers. Suddenly my guilty conscious vanished as I was reminded of the hatred she carried for me since the second I stepped foot on this tour. I remembered how ruthless she was whenever it came to the man I loved and how she would stop at nothing to get between us.

I began to relax into Austin's body as my wicked smirk found its way back to my lips.

I shouldn't felt guilty. I didn't deserve to feel guilty.

We deserved to proudly display our feelings for each other for the entire world to see. And from now on, after everything we had survived together, I wasn't going to settle for anything less.

But Austin's warm touch and close hold onto my torso soon disappeared before I could even process his reasoning behind his sudden actions.

He even went as far as almost pushing me farther away from him, turning Natalie's scowl into a new found smirk. I shot him a look of confusion as he began to rise from his seat and I follow his fixed eyes as they traveled towards the entrance of the kitchen.

"My boy!" I heard a familiar accent that belonged to none other than Dre himself echoing throughout the room.

I bit down onto my bottom lip at the unexpected presence of the man who hired me, what felt like ages ago. I watched as he greeted everyone before he finally reached Austin, pulling him into a hug.

"Dre holy shit. What are you doing here buddy?" Austin asked as they let go of each other, both grinning from ear to ear.

"You didn't think I would miss your entire North America tour now did you?" Dre replied, give him a playful slap on the shoulder. 

"Well I'm happy you're here man. Its been too long." Austin chuckled as Dre moved on to give Natalie a hug.

"Dre you remember Lena right?" Jay spoke up as he entered the kitchen, joining the rest of the team after letting Dre inside.

"Oh of course. Lena it's wonderful to see you again." Dre gave me a friendly smile as I returned a kind yet awkward smile.

"Good to see you again too Dre." I fumbled over my words as I suddenly didn't know how to behave in front of him.

I glanced over at Austin who was now ignoring me compared to his comforting affection just moments before.

Natalie's eye caught mine as she ate up every second of the sudden coldness that formed between Austin and I.

Why was he acting like he didn't want Dre to know about us?

He was just cozied up to me infront of nearly the entire team.

Things were different now. It wasn't just us deciding not to sneak around anymore.

I was his girlfriend. Not just someone he was casually sleeping with. 

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