Chapter 47

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Lena POV

I felt the lump in my throat grow with each tear that slipped from my weary tired eyes as I pulled the warm blanket to the bottom of my chin.

I gasped for a breath between sobs as my heart helplessly ached for the very man that was responsible for my tears.

How could I let this happen? How could I let my fucking guard down? How could I put so much goddamn trust in this man only to let it ruin me?

How could I possibly think that the infamous Post Malone would commit himself to me?

How could I be so stupid to think we fucking had something real?

I let him in. I showed him the who I really was and he led me to believe he accepted me.

Only to go behind my back with the one girl that hated my freaking guts.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve for the thousandth time that night and raised my head to check the clock.

4:33 am

I had heard the rest of the team come home about an hour before and the house was stilly quiet after everyone had made their way to their own rooms.

I couldn't help the disappointment hanging over my head as I was half expecting Austin to burst through my door and attempt to fix things between with us.

Seriously Lena? You want him to chase after you after you told him not to fucking touch you?

I let out a heavy sigh as I pushed the thick covers off of my body, letting my feet hit the ground before I quietly tip toed out of my room.

Austin POV

"Hey man. Thanks so much for setting up the backyard for me. I appreciate it." I said into my phone as I threw the last of the sushi into the trash. My appetite no where to be found to even attempt to have a bite.

"Of course. Well how did it go? Did she say yes to being your girlfriend?" My buddy Jason said over the other line.

I had just finished up cleaning up the beautiful set up he had put together for Lena and I on the patio before I headed up to my bedroom to finally get some rest.

"It um- it didn't happen. We got into a fight and I didn't get the chance to bring her out here to ask her. Everything kind of got ruined." I sighed, holding back the pain in my voice as I didn't want my emotions to come crawling back once I finally had calmed down.

"I'm sorry to hear that dude. Are you okay?"

"Not really. But I just need to give her some time. I can't fucking lose her. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks again for setting everything up. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Anytime. Good luck man, later."

I clicked the red button on my screen, ending the call before I made my way up the stairs.

I tossed and turned for a majority of the night as I laid alone in my king sized bed. It felt cold and empty without my beautiful girl by my side. I physically felt the stabbing pain in my chest as I knew she was only down the hall, wanting nothing to do with me.

"You're not mine Austin. You never will be."

Her words felt like shards of glass piercing through my heart as I couldn't believe I let her slip effortlessly through my fingers.

How could I let this happen?

We were so fucking close to officially being together. Only for her to be ripped away from me before I even got the chance to ask her to be mine.

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