Chapter 93

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My heart slammed in my quivering chest, my body nearly numb as it seemingly lost all sense of its tense nerve endings. My knuckles became stark white as my grip on the wine bottle tightened with each second that passed.

I felt the warm flush of my skin as I shakily raised my hand to tuck a loose curl behind my ear, my face without a doubt colored a deepened scarlet red. I stood before him in a strapped black dress that stopped just below the tattoo scribbled on my thigh, and my hair flowed in soft waves down my back.

"Jesus Lee, you're so- y-you look fucking incredible." Luke stuttered his words as his widened eyes traveled along my small figure, my breathing intensifying as I nearly pinched myself out of this horrid daydream.

"You're even more breathtaking than I remember."

This couldn't be real right? I mean this must be some sort of sick joke. What was he doing here? In Austin's house? At this party? Did Austin know him?

My mind raced with unanswered questions, each of them overwhelming my mind by the minute.

"Um- thank you." I mumbled under my breath, still struggling to find the courage to have a conversation with this man. "It's uh- been a long time."

Luke cleared his throat, his eyes averting to the ground for half a second as he purposely avoided my gaze.

"Yeah, over a year now." His voice softened as his irises slanted upwards to lock with mine, his tone sorrowful and weak.

"How have you been?"

I almost chuckled under my breath at the sound of his words. They were so casual, so nonchalant, as if we were just two old friends catching up after some time had passed. After not seeing one another for nearly a year and half, that was the best he was able to come up with.

My wandering mind sent me into a flashback, pulling me from the present moment and winding me into my haunted past.

The view from my apartment in LA was the one ease to my mind when I had trouble sleeping at night. The wondrous lights that painted the darkened sky was the only thing that made the chaotic city beautiful. I sat along the window sill in the living room, my head leaned against the wall as I dwelled with the thoughts bouncing in my mind. The coolness of the night air seeped through the open screen, summoning my goosebumps as I sat in just a loose tee shirt and underwear.

"You're not coming to bed gorgeous?"

I turned over my shoulder to see Luke leaning along the the side of the counter. The waistband of his boxer briefs hung low on his hips as his veined arms crossed against his chest, his soft green eyes glimmering in the dim moonlight. 

"Come here baby." I whispered, calling him to me as I gave him a small smile.

He smoothly pushed himself off from the counter, and slowly stalked his way towards me, the grin on his face perfectly matching mine.

"What's wrong beautiful? Can't sleep?" His arms enveloped around my small frame, the warmth of his body soothing the coldness of my own as the softness of his bare skin brushed against mine.

I shook my head from side to side as my eyes burned with exhaustion, yet I couldn't possibly have felt more restless. I had stayed up late, working on some last minute deadlines, while Luke had went to bed long ago.

"I have so much work I still have to do." I mumbled under my breath, hanging my head at the amount of stress I was under at my new job.

"Well whatever it is, it can wait until the morning babe. It's lonely in bed without you." Luke whispered into the crook of my neck just before he placed his hands under my thighs to lift me into his embrace.

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