Chapter 12

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What the fuck was I doing?

I took this job as an opportunity to gain experience and build my management resume in this crazy entertainment industry that I had been working in for a short amount of years. 

I had been employed by many different people, many attractive men at that, while working in Hollywood.

And not once have I thought about putting my entire career on the line for a hookup.

But here I was, barely a few weeks into my new job, straddling the lap of the very man that I was working for.

I couldn't deny that there was something about Austin that my body couldn't resist. I knew it was forbidden and I knew it was fucked up. And I knew that it could only end up with one of us getting hurt and me without a job.

But all of that didn't mean anything to me in this moment.  

"Shit." I breathed out as I shamelessly enjoyed the wetness of his tongue on my neck. 

"You like that?" Austin questioned as he trailed his mouth down to my collarbone. His soft lips were savoring each and every goosebumps that was littered across my skin.

"Y-yes. It feels so damn good." I mumbled between breaths, surprisingly able to form words while I was in a deep trance of pleasure. 

He brushed his lips along the top seam of my shirt, his hot breath withering along the outline of my cleavage. 

He kissed his way back up my neck, along my jawline and finally brought his face back up to mine, teasing me as he just barely touched his lips against mine.

"Fuck you are so pretty." He whispered before he slammed his lips against mine. 

I bit down on his bottom lip, causing me to hear him moan for the very first time. 

The beautiful sound that left his mouth completely shattered any ounce of integrity dwelling in my conscious. 

Every feeling of this being wrong was locked into the back of my mind. And any part of me that was even remotely thinking about stopping, was completely stripped from my brain.

His arms wrapped tightly around my small waist and I sank down further into his lap, feeling his bulge press against my ass. 

I chuckled softly against his pink lips as I felt his erection growing by the second underneath me. 

"That's what you fucking do to me." He muttered with a certain hunger in his voice, before furiously re-attaching our lips.

His tongue explored my mouth with a passion I had never experienced before. I had never been kissed with such desire and depth. 

I didn't just feel it in my lips, but my throughout entire body and I even felt it reaching for my soul.

There were tingles of excitement in each and every nerve ending that I possessed.

Nothing mattered in this moment while I felt his warm hands travel up the hem of my shirt, melting into my soft skin that burned with heat. 

I was so consumed entirely in the blood rushing moment, I almost didn't hear the soft knocking that was drumming on my bedroom door. 

"Lena? Can I come in?"

I was instantly startled by Adam's muffled voice through the wooden door.

I quickly broke my lips away from Austin's, the intense high still running through my body.

"Shit. You have to hide." I whispered as I climbed off of Austin's lap. 

"Hide where?" He hushed back as he adjusted the very visible bulge in the center of his jeans.

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