Chapter 66

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Austin POV

I let out a heavy sigh as my mind raced a million miles an hour while I tried my best to adjust to waking up with a chunk of my life missing without going completely mad.

The last thing I could remember was finishing up my new album, Hollywood's Bleeding, and preparing to start off the new tour.

Flash foward to the present day, I was waking up in a hospital bed, with aches and pains, lucky as all hell to have survived the horrific car accident that could have claimed my life.

One might say, six months of lost memories is a small price to pay, based on the fact that I was still alive and well, all things considered.

But for some odd reason, the fact that I couldn't find myself able to recall ever meeting that stunning woman that had just left my hospital room, just didn't sit well with me.

She was hands down the most beautiful human being I had ever laid my eyes on and I found it difficult to believe my past self didn't desperately agree with me.

I knew she worked for me and from what she told me, we were friends.

Good friends.

But I also knew from the second I saw her, my attraction to her was going to be beyond my control and I was going to have to try my hardest to stay professional.

Just as I was about to relax into the lumpy mattress of the uncomfortable hospital bed, I realized Lena's phone was tucked in corner of the chair she had been sitting on.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and pushed myself up to my feet. I still felt somewhat weak but I did in fact feel good enough to walk on my own. I grasped my IV pole with my right hand and picked her phone up with my left.

Her screen instantly lit up as I held it in my hand, her wallpaper revealing a group photo of the entire Posty Co. team. The picture seemed to have been taken as the aftermath of what probably was a crazy after party of one of my shows. But I didn't recognize anything about the picture as my eyes scanned across the screen.

Smitty and Vanessa were in the middle, while Adam, Chris and Jay were on their right.

My gaze locked onto the left corner of the screen as I recognized myself and the beautiful girl that had just left my room.

My arm was loosely hung around her shoulder as hers wrapped around my torso. She was wearing a short black dress and held a wine glass halfway filled in her hand.

But what stood out in the photo were the widened smiles plastered across both of our faces.

She didn't look like the same girl that was in tears at my bedside this morning. She wasn't the same girl that was distraught when she found out I didn't remember her.

She looked happy. We looked happy.

"We must really be close." I mumbled to myself, as I could feel how much she must have learned to care about me in the short amount of time she knew me.

I was under the false assumption that the longer I stared at the photo, it would hopefully cause my memories to come rushing back. But instead nothing happened. Nothing at all.

So I made my way out of the room, to return her phone to her.

Lena POV

"I can't wait."

I nervously tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I looked up at the man I was head over heels in love with, not wanting to leave his side for even a second.

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