Chapter 8

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Every time Austin looked at me, talked to me and apparently even when he touches me, I seem to always find myself in the same shameful and compromising position. 

Hot, bothered, oh and very much alone. 

Jesus Lena, get your sorry ass up and go to bed, I thought to myself as I began to drag my worn out body from the dining room table to my reach my bed which I was so hopelessly longing for.

How freaking desperate did I feel? Pining after my off limits boss like I was in some sort of badly written romantic comedy? Like he was going to magically fall for me and each complication would somehow dissipate into thin air.

Except I couldn't forget that this was real life and I definitely was not going to get the guy in the end. 

Besides the fact that he signed my paychecks and was only the most popular famous singer that was on the top of the charts, I wasn't even remotely ready to start dating again. 

Who said anything about dating Lena? It's an attraction. Nothing more and nothing less. He's probably attracted to plenty of fucking girls. You are not the first and you will not be the last.

I dragged my feet as I made my way to my bedroom. I heard a distortion of voices while I passed through the hallway near the living room as they mixed with the loud action of the video game blasting from the television. 

"So what was tonight about? You and Lena seemed pretty cozy on the couch." I made out Smitty's voice, filled with curiosity as he prodded anxiously.

"What? It wasn't like that. We were just having dinner together since all you fools ditched us and wanted to go out." Austin brushed it off in a nonchalance voice. 

"Oh yeah? And since when do you eat sushi?" Smitty questioned. I could hear the smirk forming in his voice.

"Since today. Lena got me into. Have you ever had sushi? Cause it's actually fucking good." Austin changed the subject. 

"Oh Lena got you into it. Wonder what else of Lena's you're going to get into."

I covered my gasp with my hand at Smitty's comment to avoid making any noise and getting myself caught eavesdropping by the two men in the room right next to me.

"Stop. Nothing happened okay." Austin fired back quickly. I could almost hear him rolling his eyes as he spoke.

"So you don't think she's attractive?" Smitty asked matter of factly.

"Of course I do. I think she's beautiful." Austin mumbled, his voice almost getting lost in the gunfire that boomed from the speakers. "And interesting and funny."

"Wow you got it bad dude." 

"Smitty shut up, she works for me. Nothing's going to happen." Austin responded.

"Alright man whatever you say. I'm just saying shoot your shot while you can cause I think Chris is into her."

I listened closely for Austin's response, except there wasn't one because he stayed completely silently just before changing the subject once more.

"How about you focus on the fucking game, we're losing." I heard his smooth voice as he spoke to Smitty.

I decided with that, I was going to tare myself away from listening through the wall and trudge the rest of the way to the bedroom. 

I couldn't help the dark cloud of disappointment, heavily hanging over my head as I entered my room and began to peel my clothes off. 

Despite the fireworks I felt when he touched me, and the peculiar humor we shared, and the undeniable attraction that there was between us, Austin made things clear that nothing was going to ever happen.

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