Chapter 52

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My hands slid along Lena's arms, unbuckling my tightened belt from her sore wrists as she exhaled wispy breaths onto my exposed torso.

Her now released hands lazily rested on my chest and the smallest of smirks spread at her pink lips.

"For a second there I thought you were going to leave me all tied up rockstar." She mumbled, the soft vibration of her voice seeping into my skin.

I let out a quiet chuckle at how desperately she was struggling to keep her eyes open as she laid peacefully on top of me.

"I seem to lose some of my consciousness after I cum in you Lena." I rasped before melting a kiss on her forehead and earning a sweet laugh from my beautiful girl.

"Angel don't fall asleep. We're going to watch the sun rise remember?" I reminded her as my hands slid over the curves of her ass, giving it a light squeeze.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. You nearly fucked me into a coma." She teased playfully, nipping my skin with her teeth.

I ran my fingers soothingly through her disheveled hair, earning a purr of satisfaction that escaped her throat.

"If I recall correctly, you were the one fucking me. And you did a damn good job if you ask me." I cocked my brow as she shyly smiled, her white teeth glowing in the dimness of the room.

She slowly climbed off of me, reaching for my tee shirt that was tossed across the ground. I watched with squinted eyes as she effortlessly slid it onto her small frame, the shirt now hanging loosely on her body.

She reached upwards to pull her hair from the collar, the tattoo on her upper thigh just barely peaking out as she raised her arms.

As she grabbed for her crumpled underwear that were thrown near the edge of the coffee table, she suddenly came to a pause, her gaze catching mine.

"What?" She smiled slightly, almost rolling her eyes as she spoke.

"Nothing." I shook my head, shrugging, my focus locked on her and her alone.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She slid her panties on and adjusted her oversized shirt.

"You're just insanely beautiful Lena. I will never get tired of looking at you. I don't ever want to stop looking at you." I mumbled almost under my breath, my nerves suddenly taking control.

"Then don't Austin. Look at me forever."

She bit down onto her lip before sharing a smile with me. I took her small hand in mine, brushing my lips along her knuckles as I stared lovingly up at her.

"C'mon we're gonna miss the sun rise." She beckoned, picking up my jeans and tossing them in my direction.

I rose from the sofa, pulling them on in a hurry before I grabbed Lena by the waist, swiftly scooping her into my arms.

She giggled quietly as I carried her to towards the French doors of the kitchen, leading us into the backyard.

One we reached the swinging bench, I sank down with her in my lap and placed a quick kiss into her soft hair.

I took a quick glance upwards, thanking my lucky stars that she was back in my arms where she belonged,, when only just the night before, our hearts were breaking under the same looming sky.

I cupped her cheek with my hand as our noses brushed softly against each other.

"We should talk." I whispered, her pupils dilating at my words.

She gave me a short nod as a signal to begin as I nervously cleared my throat.

"I'm so sorry about everything angel. I never meant for any of this to happen. I'm telling you the truth about Natalie. It was just horrible fucking timing but I swear to you, nothing ever happened between us. I said I would protect your heart at all cost and I will never break that promise. You are the only woman I want, nothing will ever change that. I will never hurt you. You know that right?"  I almost tumbled over my words as I spoke, her expression softening as my spilled feelings seemed to comfort her.

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