Chapter 28

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"I've never had Olive Garden before." I said, a serious expression plastered on my face as I watched Austin's eyes widen with nothing but horror.

"What?" He exclaimed in pure astonishment, as if I must have been living under a rock to have never tried his favorite place to eat. "What do you mean you've never had Olive Garden before?"

"It's fake Italian food from a basic chain restaurant." I shrugged, desperately fighting the smirk from finding it's way onto my lips and blowing my cover as I obviously toyed with him.

"How could you say that without trying it Lena?!" He nearly shouted, almost looking offended.

"Just like you said you didn't like sushi before you tried it?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled matter of factly as I stifled my laughter.

"Fuck." His expression instantly fell and he rolled his eyes towards me. "You're fucking with me aren't you?"

"Of course I am! I fucking love Olive Garden." I snickered as he shook his head and laughed with me.

"Alright you've proved your point, you really had me going there for a second." He frowned. "Well get ready cause I ordered us so much food." He pulled his phone out of his pocket to track the delivery.

I gave him a short nod. "Hey I'm gonna go change since we aren't going out." I started to get up from my seat on the bar stool to make my way up the stairs and slip into something much more casual.

But Austin's hand gripped onto my forearm, stopping me in my tracks.

"Keep the dress on Lena. You look stunning."

His sweet words always found a way to send butterflies straight to my stomach. I gave him a small smile before I spoke.

"I'll keep the dress on but you have got to get me out of these heels." I groaned, pointing to my uncomfortable shoes that I wouldn't have been able to get on without Austin's help.

He chuckled quietly and before I knew it, he scooped me from the bar stool, into his arms and threw me carelessly over his shoulder.

"Austin where are we going?" I called out, the blood rushing to my head as I hung upside down, quietly giggling.

"We're going to the living room." He said patting my butt softly before he plopped me sideways onto the couch and took a seat next to me.

He pulled my legs over his lap and began effortlessly loosening my straps. He carefully slid my heels off of my feet and placed them onto the ground.

He ran his cold fingers gently along my warm heated skin. They trailed from my ankle all the way up to my thigh, his eyes following his hands as they smoothly moved their way up my body.

His eyes slanted towards mine as I gave him an amused smirk.

"What?" He asked quietly.

"You're obsessed." I raised my brow, my lips tugging upward and the fiery tension between us burning as strong as ever.

"So what if I am?" He shot back with a sly smile, his fingertips tiptoeing along the underside of my knee.

I felt my cheeks flush at his subtle confession and suddenly my teasing confident demeanor quickly dimished at his unexpected words.

"Always blushing groupie."

I cleared my throat, attempting to refrain from getting lost in his intoxicating gaze, but I couldn't help myself.

We sat still across from each other, stupid grins owning both of our faces.

We probably would have sat there for hours, endlessly staring into each others eyes if it weren't for the doorbell ringing to let us know that the food had finally arrived.

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