Chapter 10

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Everyone had gone up to bed, me included. But I found myself rolling my eyes in frustration as I laid wide awake in my comfortable yet restless sheets. 

As usual, I found myself unable to get a certain tattooed rock star out of my aching head and off of my racing mind. 

Every inside joke, every little touch, every shared smirk, every single stare. 

I let out a weighted sigh, shaking my head as I pressed back further into the pillow. 

After tossing and turning for nearly another half an hour, I decided to distract my mind and ease myself into an abyss of sleep by keeping busy.

I trudged my heavy legs down the stairs and tip toed into the quiet dark kitchen. 

Vanessa had insisted on me leaving everything the way it was before we went up to bed and she assured me we would clean up together in the morning but I didn't feel an ounce of tiredness taking over me just yet. I was not one for waking up to a mess so I figured now was a better time than ever to tidy up the place.

After a short while of putting away empty beer bottles and miscellaneous trash, the house was cleaned up for the most part, with the exception of red solo cups scattered around the living room.

Just as I was finishing up washing a few glasses, I heard slow paced footsteps making their way down the stairs.

"Sorry if I woke you up." I called to whoever was behind me, as I didn't bother turning around.

"What are you doing up Lena?"

My heart instantly tumbled to the ground as I gripped the glass to prevent it from slipping my hands under the hot running water.

Austin's tired voice, echoed through the quiet kitchen, nearly making me lose my balance as he spoke. He sounded exhausted yet it was obvious he hadn't gotten any sleep yet.

I turned around just barely to glance at him over my shoulder.

His bedhead was a curly mess, his eyes puffy and squinted and an unlit cigarette tucked behind his ear

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His bedhead was a curly mess, his eyes puffy and squinted and an unlit cigarette tucked behind his ear. He wore a tee shirt and gray joggers.

Fuck how did he roll out of bed looking so good.

"I couldn't sleep so I figured I'd clean up after the party." I explained, trying my best to act unphased by him as I continued washing the wine glass in my hand. 

"Lena, you didn't have to do this by yourself." He sighed tiredlessly.  

"It's okay, I don't mind. I needed something to do." I shrugged, still facing away from him. "Did I wake you?"

"No I wanted a smoke." He answered quietly. I could feel his sharp eyes on me even with my back towards him. "That was quite the performance you put on tonight." He chuckled softly.

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