Chapter 15

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We landed in Phoenix around eleven in the morning. Everyone was exhausted from waking up early and nearly all of us immediately crashed once we got to the house we were now staying in.

I groggily woke up from my much needed nap, reaching for my phone that was buried under the comforter. Once I found it, I unlocked the screen and scrolled through my many notifications.

My eyes widened and I let out an audible groan as I saw a text message from my very best friend who was back home in Chicago. My very best friend who I didn't get a chance to tell what was going on in my personal life.

Sofia: You motherfucking bitch. You're out here fucking Post Malone and you didn't tell me?

Shit. Adam is going to hear it from me.

I quickly clicked on her contact information and pressed the call button. I rolled my eyes at myself for not telling her sooner while I patiently waited as the line rang.

"Lena Rose Meyers who are you and what have you done with my best friend?!" Sofia shouted through the line, make me nearly hold the phone at arms length to protect my aching eardrums.

"Sof calm down!" I mediated in response to her over the top reaction. "I'm sorry! I was going to tell you, we've just been super busy traveling and I guess Adam beat me to the punch. And if it makes you feel any better, I haven't fucked him. We're just fooling around." I chuckled.

"So what you're saying is, you haven't fuck him yet." Sofia exaggerated her words as she spoke.

"Look I was going to tell you and Adam-"

"My brother caught you doing the walk of shame from Post Malone's bedroom." Sofia finished as if she was almost proud of me.

"It wasn't exactly a walk of shame. More like a tiptoe." I laughed.

"Well either way your ass got caught." I could almost hear her rolling her eyes. "Lena this is so unlike you! But you haven't been laid in God knows how long so I'm happy for you."

"Okay Jesus don't rub it in." I groaned, rubbing my tired eyes with my free hand. "I know this is unlike me. I don't know what I'm doing here Sof. I'm not the type to fuck around with someone and not catch feelings."

"So what? Live a little! Catch feelings Lee. Let him fall in love with you."

"I'm not so sure I want him to fall in love with me." I mumbled, more to myself than to Sofia. "Well it doesn't matter anyway cause it's just physical between us."

"You deserve to be happy again Lena. Don't sell yourself short. You're an amazing woman." I could hear her smile. "Anyway update me whenever you do fuck that gorgeous man. So how is work? How is tour? Tell me everything!" She squealed.

"Everything is going pretty well. I like all my coworkers for the most part and it's comforting having Adam here." I sighed into the phone.

"You sound tired." She frowned.

"I'm okay. I am tired, I just woke up from a little nap."

"Lena I know I'm miles away but I'm here for you always. You know that."

"I know Sof. Thank you." I replied, missing her a little more than usual.

"Just be careful. After everything you've-"

"I know Sofia, Adam already tried to give me a pep talk. I'll be careful." I reassured her.

"I love you. Please text me whenever, I have no life." She pleaded.

"I love you too, I will don't worry. Take care Sof." I said before I hung up the phone.

My head turned to the door as I heard a loud knock.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now