Chapter 59

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I chewed my bottom lip, hoping and praying that I was imagining things and I had just hallucinated the entire scenario in my sleep deprived head.

But the look on Dre's face reassured me that I was indeed caught red handed in bed with Austin after he made it clear that he was not my biggest fan to begin with.

He barely scoffed underneath his breath as he continued to stare at me, both of us speechless as we were unsure what to do.

"Why am I not surprised?" He muttered to himself, breaking the stark silence with his harsh words as he spoke just before he turned on his heels, closing the door shut behind him.

I swallowed the brick in throat as I shifted my gaze to Austin once more, who was still completely knocked out throughout my more than awkward moment with his right hand man.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself, throwing my head back into the pillow below me as I contemplated what to do.

Dre already held a tainted impression of me since he had the wrong idea that I was some sort of newbie slacker that didn't care about her job and that was just trying to claw her way into the life of the rich and famous Post Malone.

But I had to prove to him that I was quite the opposite and not just sleeping with Austin for the hell of it.

I somehow found all of the courage I could gather after my moment of utter embarrassment and decided to slip out of the comfort of mine and Austin's shared bed. I managed to maneuver my way out of the arms of the very man that was always getting me into trouble, to reach for my tee shirt that was laying carelessly on the ground.

After pulling it over my head, I slipped my panties on, followed by my jeans before sucking in a sharp breath and nearly forced my body out of the door to stick up for myself and my relationship with Austin.

I knew Austin wanted to tell Dre on his own terms but considering what had just happened, I would have to say, the terms have changed.

I ran my fingers through my sexed hair, smoothing it into place before I closed the door behind me and made my way downstairs to look for Dre.

As I made my way down the stairs case, I noticed Chris and Jay sitting in the living room, playing video games with an abundance of Bud Light cans surrounding them while Dre was alone in the kitchen, fixing himself what looked like a stiff drink.

"Lena! I'm sorry if we woke you. Are we being too loud?" Jay called to me apologetically as he caught me in the corner of his eye.

I tucked a loose piece of a brunette curl behind my ear as I nervously smiled at him.

"No Jay, you guys didn't wake me. I just want a glass of water." I answered as I walked past Dre to retrieve a glass from one of the cabinets.

"Good I'm glad. I'm sure after last night you've had enough of us." He chuckled, referring to how drunk they all were.

"Austin's lucky you took care of his ass or he woulda been hung the fuck over today." He laughed, shaking his head.

I could feel not only Dre's stare but Chris's, burning through me as I chuckled in response to Jay comment.

"Yeah I don't think I've ever seen him that drunk." I rolled my eyes.

"How could you? You've only been on the team a few months." Dre muttered only loud enough for me to hear, riling up my anger as I filled my glass with ice cold water.

"Can we talk?" I mumbled to him as his eyes finally met mine, a look of disdain replacing the kind eyes I remembered from we first met.

Was it that big of a problem for me to be involved with Austin? He was behaving as if I had committed some sort of crime. I understood he only wanted to look out for his friend, but his friend was the man I wanted to spend my life with, so him standing in our way didn't exactly sit well with me.

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