Chapter 60

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My weary eyes forcefully peeled open as I stretched my arms tirelessly above my head. The brightness of the sun was gleaming down onto my face and the cold emptiness of the bed sparked my curiosity as I rolled over to the other side.

I almost groaned a sigh of relief as I realized Austin's unexpected absence as I quickly realized the lack of his presence bought me only the valuable asset called time.

I knew I had to tell him what went down between Dre and I last night but the longer I was able to put it off and surrender to complete avoidance, I sure as hell was going to do so.

I threw my head back into the pillow as I figured Austin had an early studio session and was going to be scarce for a majority of the morning.

It was our last day in Utah and I couldn't help the sadness that dwelled in my mind at just thought of leaving the new place I had begun to call home.

Call me selfish, but was it so wrong for wanting to ditch the rest of the tour and spend the next blissful month cooped up between the walls of this cozy Salt Lake City house?

To just forget about all of our worries and seemingly disappear from the outside world?

I chuckled under my breath at how absurd my fantasies were becoming and it was only a short couple of weeks left until my dream would become a reality.

But right now, I had to face my current problem from last night, which I had conveniently tucked away for later.

Well it's later Lee.

I nearly leaped out of the comfort of my skin as the bathroom door swung open, revealing the love of my life himself, just showered, fully dressed and as handsome as ever.

A freshly lit cigarette was held between his lips as he shot me a crooked smirk as our eyes met

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A freshly lit cigarette was held between his lips as he shot me a crooked smirk as our eyes met.

"What's the matter beautiful? You're awfully jumpy for so early in the morning." His deep voice rasped as his gaze danced from my face to my chest. The duvet that was once covering my breasts, fell down to my mid drift as I had abruptly sat up straight in the king sized bed.

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I contemplated the choice of words that would next come out of my mouth.

"I just- you scared me. I thought you were in the studio or something." I fumbled over my sentence as he raked my body once over again before dragging those baby blues upwards to match my brown eyes.

He raised his wrist, causually checking the time on his Richard Mille watch. 

"It's not even 8 am angel." He informed me as he carefully stalked his way closer and closer to the edge of the mattress.

"Oh." I said softly, as he sank down in front of me, tucking a wild strand of hair behind my ear.

His hand slid to my empty wrist as he cocked his brow. "Where's your Rolex with the diamonds that keep you shining?" He quoted his song, early a chuckle from me.

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