Chapter 45

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"I will never get tired of your kisses."

My lips tugged into a content smile as I tightened my already firm grip onto Lena's waist, the sweet scent of her perfume drugging me as I inhaled.

"I'm thrilled to hear that because I will never get tired of giving them to you." I muttered quietly, leaning my forehead against hers as her soft breaths tickled my face.

I know what you're thinking. We're disgustingly obsessed with once another and it's either insanely adorable or sickening to look at. But frankly, I could care less about how we looked to the outside world. Lena made me the luckiest man on the planet and I couldn't help but cherish the purest of moments in our little bubble.

As ready as I was to shout at the top of my fucking lungs that I was crazy about her, a part of me couldn't help but feel nervous about what that would leave us vulnerable too.

Our relationship was safe in our bubble. She was safe.

She was protected from any hate or negativity that being associated with me always came with.

There was no drama or fear and it put my mind at ease that she was protected from the public eye.

But I knew things couldn't stay like that forever and as much as I wanted to shield her and what we have from the outside world, I didn't want to hide any longer.

"Now that I've played you atleast half a dozen songs on the guitar, how about we watch something on Netflix together? Your boy is tired and I gotta rest up for the lounge appearance tonight." I said, interrupting my cloud of heavy thoughts as I nearly drowned in the darkness of her irises.

She ran her fingers carefully through my hair, chuckling under her breath before she spoke. "Are you asking me to Netflix and chill rockstar?"

I slanted my eyes upwards, as I couldn't help but adore the look of suspicion on her face.

"Actually groupie, I was not. But now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind fucking you on the couch again. I mean we probably will have an audience this time around. Since it's the middle of the day and all." I shot her a wink earning a well deserved eye roll from her.

"C'mon handsome, let's go." She pecked my lips softly, climbing off of my lap. Her scent lingered in the air as I intently followed her out of the studio.

I watched her hips sway from side to side as she gracefully walked infront of me.

"Stop staring at my ass Austin." She chuckled, somehow catching me red handed though she hadn't even turned around.

"How did you know I was staring at your ass?" I smirked, giving it a playful grab.

"Cause you're always staring at my ass. And you're literally so obvious about it." She laughed, finally peaking over her shoulder back at me.

"I can't help it, I want you all the fucking time." I said in a low whisper, shrugging as I gave her a wicked smile just as we entered the living room.

Natalie was now sitting at the kitchen island chatting with a more calm looking Chris.

His neutral expression quickly turned into a look of annoyance as Lena and I entered his view.

Except now, he wasn't the only one suspiciously glaring at us as we sank down onto the couch together.

Natalie's focus had quickly shifted from her conversation with Chris to how close I was sitting next to Lena.

I ignored the both of them and turned my attention to the angel that was curled up next to me.

"Have you seen Parks and Recreation?" Her sweet voice soothed my mind as our hands innocently brushed against each other while we tried not to be even more obvious.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now