Chapter 1

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My heels clicked loudly on the marble floors beneath me as I rushed through the huge hotel in desperation.

I scurried through the building, hoping and praying that I didn't trip over my own two feet and fall flat on my face like the clumsy mess I usually was.

More than anything in this world, I hated being late. I was always taught to be punctual and usually arrived early on every occasion.

Except when it actually fucking matters, I thought as I rolled my eyes to myself.

However, reuniting with my very best friend who was visiting me from our hometown eventually led me to my downfall.

After spending way too much money at an overpriced bar, and many Cosmos later, I found myself a hungover mess the next morning.

Vodka was never my strong suit but somehow, whenever I found myself with Sofia, no alcohol was off limits.

Fuck Lena seriously? This is a huge freaking opportunity and you manage to fuck it up already.

I picked up my pace and jogged my way through the long hallway, not giving a shit how frantic I looked as I scrambled my way to the conference room.

Before I reached the doorway, I took a deep breath and fixed my hair. I straightened my posture and cleared my throat before my hand reached for the door knob.

As I turned the handle and pushed the door open, I was greeted by two friendly faces.

"Hey you must Lena! I'm Dre. It's great to meet you." The first man made his way through the room and extended his hand towards me.

"This is Jay." He said as he pointed to the second man who was standing next to him, who gave me a warm smile before mimicking Dre's gesture.

"Hi! Yes I'm Lena Meyers. It's wonderful to meet you both. I hope I'm not late!" I exclaimed, quickly glancing at the huge clock ticking away on the wall across from me.

"No not at all. I think we all know how LA works. No one is ever on time." Jay chuckled as he pulled a chair out for me to sit.

I let out a quick sigh of relief before I sat down.

Maybe I didn't blow this after all.

"Thank you so much."

"So Lena, tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from?" Dre began as he sat down across from me and shuffled through some loose papers, which I assumed was my resume.

I swallowed the lump in my throat before I opened my mouth to answer him.

No matter how many times I had interviewed for various jobs in this industry, I always had the same amount of anxiety every single time.

Sofia's brother was this big time photographer for many of the new, up and coming celebrities. He had very kindly put a good word in, and landed me this interview.

"Well I grew up in Chicago and moved here to LA when I was 19. I started out as a personal assistant, then publicist and eventually worked my way up the business side of things after college and dabble in management and contract negotiation."

"This is very impressive. I mean I see you've worked for Kristin Bell and Kit Harrington. Wow I mean working for Jon Snow himself, that's pretty awesome." Dre lit up with excitement.

"Yeah I've been really lucky to work with such amazing people. I've really learned alot with whatever experience I've gained in the past few years." I said with a smile, my nerves finally melting away, letting me relax and feel more like myself.

"So why Post Malone?" Jay asked curiously.

"I wanted to try something different. I've never worked with anyone in the music industry before and I thought it would be an interesting change." I answered honestly. "What does this position actually look like on a day to day basis?" I asked curiously, hoping for a better insight on this job.

"Well, basically help manage his schedule, book any deals or appointments, manage his security and assist with whatever he is planning for his next career move." Dre responded. "I've been working with many different artists lately so I don't have as much time to actually travel with Post and focus on every single thing that he does."

"And there's only so much I can do as a tour manager." Jay added. "With Austin getting as big as he is, we're definitely looking to expand our team."

"Austin?" I dumbfoundedly asked. I almost immediately face palmed myself at how stupid I must have sounded.

Did you think Post Malone was his real name Lena?

Dre immediately chuckled. "I'm guessing you aren't Posty's biggest fan huh?"

I managed to laugh at myself to prevent the red from rushing to my cheeks. "Something like that. I mean I haven't heard all of his stuff but I think he's extremely talented." I answered, hoping I didn't sound like a complete fool that wasn't familiar with the man I was going to hopefully be working for.

"No worries. It's actually better that you aren't some superfan just trying to abuse this job opportunity." Jay said.

"So traveling and going on tour is something you are on board with?" He added.

"Absolutely. I'm pretty used to the traveling and I adapt pretty quickly. I love the busy life and I think it's amazing to be able to be in a different city every night."

"That's wonderful to hear. By the way, Adam has said nothing but good things about you and with your past experience and being familiar with the lifestyle and industry, I think you'll fit in pretty well with us." Dre smiled. "When can you start?"

I smiled from ear to ear, as I couldn't belief I was actually being offered this position. This was an incredible opportunity and I was more than stoked to begin this new career.

"I can start next week."

"Perfect, I'll email you all the information. We just have to run a background check and get your bank information and we will see you then. It was a pleasure Lena." Dre extended his hand once again.

"Thank you so much. Looking forward to hearing from you." I grinned as I shook his and Jay's hand.

I gathered all of my things and gave once last smile before I exited the room. I couldn't help but listening to the muffled muttering once I closed the door behind me.

"She seemed great! Really qualified. I think she will be a great addition to the team." I heard Dre's British accent.

"Yeah she's awesome. But Austin's going to be in real trouble working so closely with her." Jay answered.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I slowly walked away from the conference room.

What did he mean by that?

Authors Note

Hello lovelies! This is a little intro chapter to my new book.

I will definitely be finishing "Tell Me That It's All Okay" but there's only a few chapters left.

Feel free to send me any ideas for this new story and I hope you all like it! I appreciate all of your sweet comments and feedback 💜

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