Chapter 32

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"I don't have the strength to get up. Or get dressed. Or go outside." I heavily groaned, pressing the side of my face further into the softness of the fluffy pillow. "How are you so full of energy after fucking me like that?"

Austin chuckled quietly as he shook his head at my childish antics.

"I had to literally force myself out of the bed. C'mon lazy girl, I'll help you." He said as he picked up my Nirvana tee shirt that was tossed carelessly on the floor before reaching his hand out to help me.

I slowly sat up, no longer feeling shy about being fully naked and exposed in front of him.

He tugged the shirt over my head, pulling my messy waves from being tucked inside as I shoved my arms through each of the sleeves and adjusted the rest of the shirt.

He then walked over to his dresser, retrieving a clean pair of black boxers. He made his way back over to the bed, casually handing them over to me.

"What's this for?" I furrowed my brows in confusion as I reached out to take them.

"Your little shirt there barely covers your ass Lena. I don't want to chance anyone seeing you like that." He chuckled, carefully tracing the cursive tattoo written on my thigh with his nail polished thumb.

"Oh, thanks. I almost forgot I waltz over here with no pants on." I let out a small laugh.

"Yeah well of course you forgot your pants. You couldn't wait to come into my room to have sex with me groupie."

"Shut up." I playfully slapped his arm as I stood up to pull on his underwear.

I traced the Calvin Klein logo across the waistband as I shot him a sly smirk. "Thought you only wore Versace rockstar."

He rolled his eyes backwards before returning a smile. "Why did I see that coming?" He chuckled. "That was just to sound cool in my song Lena. Calvin's are way more comfortable and they come in a convenient three pack."

We laughed together as I quickly pulled them on under my tee shirt.

"How do I look?" I asked as I foolishly twirled around and pretended to strike a pose.

"Like the hottest Calvin Klein model I've ever fucking seen." Austin grinned widely.

Once I was done prancing around, I raised my arms up, reaching out for him to pick me up.

"Oh is this what I'm doing? Carrying you outside?" He raised his brow.

"You said you were going to help me. You helped me get up and you helped me get dressed. So now you have to help me get outside." I said matter of factly before I stuck my tongue out to tease him.

Within half a second, his arms wrapped around my thighs and he swiftly scooped me into his arms as I let out a small squeal.

"You better put that tongue away before I give you something to do with it." He warned as I circled my arms around his neck.

"That doesn't sound like much of a threat Austin." I whispered into his ear as we made our way to the bedroom door.

"Don't tempt me." He lightly squeezed my ass. "Now be quiet, I'm sure you woke up the whole damn house the way you were moaning just now."

"It's not my fault!" I hushed. "You literally were fucking me into next week. I couldn't help it." I shrugged as he chuckled at me, placing a lengthy kiss onto my lips.

He held onto my body with one arm as he reached down onto his night table with the other to grab two cigarettes out of his pack of Camels.

He tucked one on each of his two ears, closed the pack and grabbed his lighter.

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