Chapter 11

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Austin couldn't have been more wrong about me getting an ounce of sleep that night. Once I managed to muster up the strength to trail my shaking legs back to my bedroom, I found myself once again restless and wide awake.

Instead of spending my time fantasizing about what I could do with him, I was reliving each and every second of what I did do with him.

There was absolutely no way did I think things were going to escalate the way that it did. But as much as I tried to convince myself into believing that it was wrong in every way, I couldn't help the stupid grin that took over my face each time I remembered his lips on mine.

The feeling I felt brewing in the pit of my stomach was indescribable and like I had predicted, I was in deep shit.

As mind blowing as it was, I could not let this go any further.

I had to put my foot down and have a serious talk with Austin. I was here to do a job, not to do my boss and I had to make that clear.

That kiss was crossing the line, one I had promised I would never cross when I entered into this industry.

I had to try my best and ignore the butterflies that flew into my stomach every time I thought about him even if it killed me. I had to be strong if I wanted to keep working for him and keep things strictly business.

Maybe Austin had the right idea to ignore me when we first met. But I just had to open my big mouth to confront him and now I'm in the predicament that I'm in.

This was my own damn fault.


I chuckled to myself as my alarm blared throughout the small bedroom. I had barely gotten about two hours of sleep and it was already time for me to wake up and start my day.

The indifference in my mind was hanging over my head as I woke up unsure how to feel.

I took a long hot shower to ease my thoughts and for a split second, I was able to tame my emotions.

Once I got out and finally dried off, I pulled on a pair of ripped light wash jeans and a black off the shoulder top. I took my time doing my makeup for once and I straightened my long dark brown locks.

It was around nine in the morning and the meeting with Bud Light was scheduled for ten thirty.

I couldn't help the surge of nerves that surrounded me at just the thought of facing Austin for the first time since our late night encounter.

I took a long breath to rid my anxiety and took my steps towards the stairs, leading into the kitchen.

I could hear a mix of muttering voices as I finally made my way down.

Adam, Chris, Jay and Austin were already awake and scattered in the kitchen as I came into their view.

My eyes lingered on Austin as he was clicking away on his cell phone.

How was it possible that he looked completely unphased and unbothered and I was standing here sweating bullets and blushing from head to toe.

"Hey Lee, morning." Adam was the first one to greet me.

"Hey Adam, good morning everyone." I answered as I looked around the room.

Austin took a long sip of his coffee as he leaned against the counter while the other guys responded with their greetings.

The same counter I was perched up on while he was pressed between my legs as we passionately explored each others mouths.

His eyes were glued to his phone as I walked towards his direction to reach the coffee maker sitting on the counter next to him.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now