Chapter 7

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I sat with my legs criss crossed on the uncomfortable chair in the dimly lit dining room as I raked my fork lazily across the frosting that was heavily layered along the piece of chocolate cake I was staring into.

I couldn't stop thinking about him.

The ocean eyes, the curly untamed hair, the collection of tattoos, and the smile that made me want to risk it all.

Yeah well risking it all includes your freaking job Lena, I thought to myself.

If you haven't already guessed the obvious, of course I'm talking about Austin.

Just when I thought my physical attraction to him would be a concern, he just had to go and be all nice to me and buy my favorite food and make me laugh with his stupid sense of humor that seemed to match mine perfectly.

And let's not even mention the way he always stared deeply into my soul. Like he was trying to figure me out and undress me with his eyes all at the same time.

Either way, he made me feel like I was baring myself to him, inside and out.

As much as I knew I need to forget whatever mix of senseless feelings I had towards him, it's like I couldn't stop myself even if I tried. It's almost like I was drawn to him and the fact that I knew he was off limits, made him all the more appealing in my eyes.

But I could not get involved with the man I was working working. In any way possible.


"Hmm? Yeah I'm listening." I looked up to Chris's concerned eyes as he waved his hand in front of my blank face, trying to draw in my attention.

I quickly snapped out of my daydream, embarrassed that I was caught completely distracted when he was trying to talk business with me. The whole reason I was on this fucking tour to being with.

"Hey, it's okay. We had a long day of traveling and shit. You're probably exhausted and I'm trying to push all this info on you."

"No, I'm sorry, I guess I just need to get some rest." I forced a smile, feeling slightly guilty for lying to Chris, who had been nothing but wonderful to me since the minute I got here.

"You don't wanna finish your dessert?" He asked as his eyes went to the piece of cake I was in the middle of destroying with my fork.

"Oh, um yeah. I'll finish it tomorrow. I'm still full from dinner." I explained as he looked a bit disappointed.

"Yeah sure. I'll let you get to bed. Goodnight beautiful." He gave me a friendly grin as he pushed his chair away from the dining room table and got up to walk away to his room.


It was sweet of Chris to compliment me, just like it was sweet of him to bring me back dessert.

But as nice as he was to me, I just didn't see him in that way. My heart didn't back flip when he looked at me and my body didn't lose all of it's senses when I heard his voice.

Well how could it when there was someone else on this tour that was already responsible for doing all of those things?

Just as I was about to slump down in my chair and let out a hefty sigh, I heard a low rumble of bickering voices enter into my earshot.

They became louder and louder as the front door opened and quickly slammed shut.

"So that's it? I'm out of a job just like that?!" I heard Natalie's voice echoing from the living room.

"That's not what I said at all. You aren't listening." I instantly recognized Austin's calm voice in comparison with her angered one.

"Well I might as well be. All of sudden you want to stop wearing my outfits and wear street clothes? That's the worst idea I've ever heard." Her voice dripped with scorn as I heard Austin sigh loudly.

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