Chapter 19

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I stood by the front barricade of the stage with a huge smile on my face as Austin jogged down the stairs after his show had ended.

I was so incredibly proud of him and all of his hard work.

With every performance, he somehow managed to kill it every single time. I couldn't imagine how nerve racking it must be to get on stage nearly every night and sing your heart out in front of tons of people.

But he did it. And he did it so fucking well.

The crowd was going absolutely insane with cheering and applause as Austin made his way through, touching hands, taking pictures and chatting with fans.

I watched him come closer to where I was as I admired his kind demeanor mixed with his goofy behavior.

Once he was done taking a selfie with a girl standing near me, his eyes found mine and he gave me a warm smile. Almost as if seeing me vanished all of his exhaustion and seemingly relaxed his mind.

"Want an autograph groupie?" He slyly smirked at me as he finished signing another fan's CD.

"Fuck you." I rolled my eyes and grinned.

He gave me a quick wink paired with a small smirk as he walked passed me, continuing along the barricade.

I sighed to myself as I watched him make his way through the crowd of screaming fans.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and walked towards the backstage entrance. I quickly flashed my badge to the tall security guard standing by the doorway before he let me in.

I was surprised to see a group of fans, hanging around waiting for Austin. Most of them were giggling girls in short dresses with plunging neck lines, excitedly waiting for Austin.

I shook my head to myself as I ran my hand through my long brunette hair, grabbing a water bottle off of one of the refreshment tables.

Smitty and Jay were already setting up the beer pong table and I saw Vanessa sitting on the couch, scrolling on her phone.

I walked over to her, flopping down onto the seat next to her.

"Hi honey. Enjoy watching your man perform?" Vanessa grinned as she pocketed her phone and looked over to me.

I audibly groaned, shooting her daggers with my eyes. "He is not my man and he will never be my man Vanessa."

"Speak of the devil, there he is." She cocked her brow as Austin walked in, accompanied by Adam and Chris.

The loud group of girls were visibly excited, as they began murmuring among themselves.

Austin headed straight to the make shift bar, cracking open a fresh Bud Light and taking a long sip.

"You make it sound like its impossible Lee."

"That's because it is impossible. He is literally a famous artist. How the hell am I suppose to start let alone maintain a relationship with him? Besides I'm also still his employee so there's another complication." I answered, raising my brows at her.

"They're only complications because you're using them as excuses. You're already on tour with him so you guys are together all the time. And who cares if you work for him? It might be a little scandalous. But life is boring without a little drama." She chuckled.

"I don't know. I just think it's better to keep things the way the are for now." I shrugged as she sipped her beer.

"So there's hope?" She exclaimed excitedly. "You said for now!"

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