Chapter 2

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"How is it that my brother and my best friend are both employed by Post Malone and I'm over here working a boring ass nine to five!" Sofia exclaimed over facetime after I broke the news to her about my new job.

I chuckled lowly and shook my head at her mixture of excitement and envy as she rambled on about lucky I was to work for a famous rock star.

Her voice drowned into a blur as I let out a long and heavy sigh of frustration.  I couldn't help but feel nervous about my first day which was right around the corner. I only had a few more days to pack essentially my entire life into two suitcases and mentally prepare myself for what was to come.

Included in my email from Dre was my formal offer letter of employment, along with the details and locations of the remainder of the Runaway tour and a daily itinerary. 

I stressfully ran my fingers through my unbrushed hair while I finished packing my luggage.

I don't know what is what about this new job but I was anxious. I wasn't a exactly rookie to the lifestyle but something I couldn't put my finger on made me feel highly strung. Working along side movie stars was no walk in the park but concerts every night in different states? This was a completely different ballgame. 

Of course I was calm and collected on the outside during my interview due to the simple fact that I wanted this job. But now that I managed to get it, I was second guessing my skills and ability to actually go through with this.

"You look like you're going to be sick Lena! What's wrong?" Sofia asked, breaking me out of my deep hole of overthinking as she noticed my sudden change in facial expression.

I huffed as I couldn't seem to hide any type emotion from my best friend. She knew me like the back of her hand after knowing each other for nearly fifteen years. However, it also didn't help that when something bothered me, it was written all over my face.

"I don't know Sof. I guess I'm just worried about a new environment. New people that I don't know. I hope I get along with everyone while also being able to be successful my job. This is the highest position I've ever gotten and I don't want to screw it up." I shrugged. "A part of me is thinking that this tour life is way over my head and I haven't even started yet." I briefly closed by eyes and inhaled a deep breath.

"Lee you're smart and hard working and good at what you do. And you get along with everyone, you know that! Plus you have Adam! He says everyone on tour is amazing and supportive of one another and  Post Malone is the nicest sweetest guy ever to work for so don't even sweat it. You'll be great. Everyone will love you. You can do this." Sofia smiled widely as she tried her best to calm my jittery nerves. 

I let her kind words sink in before I cleared my throat to respond .

"Thank you for always being there for me love. Seriously your pep talks are the best. What the hell would I do without you?" I grinned at Sofia, thankful for girl that was basically like a sister to me.

"Honestly you would probably be fucked." She answered without a hint of humor on her face, before bursting out with laughter.


It was near one in the morning and my head began to horribly ache as my plane from LA finally landed in the city of Portland. The flight was more than comfortable as I was perched up in first class with unlimited food and drinks. 

However, my absolute fear of flying along with the apprehensive butterflies doing backflips in my stomach did not make for the best combination while I was up in the air. 

I made my way through the busy bustling airport, quickly stopping to search for my baggage. I lugged my two overloaded suitcases, one in each hand as I made my way to the exit of the terminal. I came to halt, just before I fumbled to pull my phone out of back pocket.

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