Chapter 74

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My mouth just barely hung open as Lena pulled her hand away from the center of my tightened boxers. Her scent intoxicated me into a drunken state of seduction and the pounding of my heart amplified through the wall of my heaving chest.

She began to wiggle her her petite body from being wedged between my legs but I had officially lost all of my patience. My self control was quickly tossed out the window the second she grazed my restrained cock with her hand and I knew that I was no longer in charge of my own reckless actions.

I swiftly grabbed ahold of her waist, not letting her leave my embrace as she softly gasped at my unexpected gesture.

My hands traveled down to the back of her thighs, pulling her to straddle my lap, her ass pressing down onto my length as her arms instinctively circled around my neck.

"Austin." She whispered, almost inaudibly, as if she were in nervous anticipation of what my next move was going to be.

My hands were slowly traveling up her towel, her body still slightly wet from her shower. I studied her beautiful features for all of five seconds, as I dug my nails into her soft thighs.

She just barely grinded down onto my erection, fueling my lust as she softly moaned under her breath.

But I couldn't hold back a second longer as I felt my insides about to explode from the sexual high she had drugged me with.

I carelessly crashed my lips into hers, her fingers running through my hair as I slipped my tongue passionately into her mouth, deepening the kiss by the second.

Her tongue effortlessly fought with mine as she kissed me with a deep desperation, as if she had waited a thousand years to melt her soft pink lips into mine.

I slid my right hand up her thigh, and along the front of her torso as I snaked my way to the loose tuck of the towel that wrapped around her body. My cock painfully ached at the anticipation of seeing those supple breasts of hers and I had to physically contain myself from ripping the entire towel off her naked form and driving my length into her right then and there.

Her grip on my curls tightened as she groaned into the kiss and I was almost certain that she wanted me nearly as bad as I wanted her.

But just as my fingers were about to pull down her towel to reveal her full breasts for my eyes only, we both nearly tumbled off of the bed as we heard the door of my bedroom abruptly swing open.

"Austin have you see Le- oh shit."

I heard Vanessa's voice as I pulled away from Lena's lips, quickly breaking the hot and heavy kiss between us as we were caught red handed by our friend. The same friend who was comforting the both of us about my goddamn amnesia just the night before.

"Fuck- I am so sorry guys." She exclaimed as she covered her mouth with one hand.

I couldn't help but notice her squinting at Lena, but surprisingly, she didn't looked completely shocked that she had walked in on us making out on my bed. And it was almost as if she was trying to ask her something with her eyes.

"I'll uh- I'll see you downstairs V. I'll be right there." Lena said, very much out of breath as she clutched onto me, still straddling my lap.

Vanessa gave her a short nod before she turned away and slammed the door shut behind her, leaving Lena and I in pure silence and red with embarrassment.

"I- she won't- she's not going to saying anything." She mumbled quietly, softly stroking my curls. "I should probably go get dressed." She said shyly as she began to slowly climb off of my lap, clutching her towel tightly and made her way to the door.

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