Chapter 44

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We heard Lena's footsteps lightly padding back into the kitchen, creating a thick cut between the ridiculously intense tension spewing between Chris and I.

"Okay let me at the stack of French toast. They don't stand a chance against me." Her soft voice filled the room, making me nearly forget my possessive attitude and caused me to shift my entire focus onto her.

She was an absolute breath of fresh air, and somehow her smile managed to brighten even the darkest of rooms. I couldn't help but notice a similar change in Chris's expression as she made her way between us.

She slid into the bar stool, the excitement creeping it's way onto her pretty face by the second as I pushed her towering plate of breakfast closer to her reach.

She shot me a smirk, anxious to get her hands on my infamous French toast.

"I cannot wait for my cooking lesson. I could definitely use it." She chuckled under her breath.

"C'mon Lee, you can't be that bad at cooking." I matched her smile with my own, her mouth now full of food as she nodded.

She chewed quickly and swallowed before answering me.

"Austin I'm clueless. I can't even fucking boil water without the pot overflowing." She laughed at herself as she rolled her eyes upwards.

"Well don't you worry about being clueless." I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear as I spoke in a raspy tone. "Just wait til I'm done with you."

Her eyes just barely widened at my words as she took a small sip of her coffee.

"Lee we have alot of work to do. Bring your breakfast and lets go to the backyard. We probably shouldn't have any distractions."

Chris rudely interrupted my conversation with Lena though I knew damn well I was daunting him as I shamelessly flirted with her.

I no longer cared what anyone else thought and Lena's low key confession that she no longer wanted to keep things a secret was only tempting me further to tell the whole fucking world about us.

Lena's focus was diverted to Chris's direction as she looked as if she was stuck in the middle of enjoying my attention and not wanting to get yelled at by Chris.

"Lena you know what? You've been working so hard since you started. Maybe you should take some time off for the remainder of the week here in Utah." I cut in before she got a chance to answer him.

"Time off? She literally just got hired." Chris scoffed with disbelief as he glared furiously at me.

Well if he wanted to play fire with fire, I was indefinitely going to give it to him.

"The rest of the week off? Austin I can't. There's so much to do and I would feel terribly guilty." She began to protest as I held my hand up to halt her rant.

"Yeah Austin. There is a lot to fucking do." Chris rolled his eyes as I could tell he was trying his best to hold back his annoyance.

"You and Jay can handle it. You've done it before." I muttered, my gaze still very much fixed on my beautiful girl.

"I'll feel bad if I take off. I'm fine with working, I don't need a break." She whined, giving me that adorable little pout that always seemed to send a twinge to my heart.

Maybe I was pussy whipped after all.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." I raised my brow as I stated firmly to her.

"Austin." She frowned, knowing I wasn't go to let her win this time around.

I leaned closer to her, placing my hand on the small of her back, slowly tracing my finger tips on the exposed area.

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