Chapter 51

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Austin POV

I stirred in my sleep as the cool air slipped under the soft blanket, stealing the warmth from my legs as my heavy eyelids began to hesitantly blink open.

I half expected my head to be pounding with a whiskey induced migraine but thankfully I woke up to nothing but peaceful silence and a slight weight on my chest.

Once I came to and fully gathered myself, I looked down to see a head full of untamed brunette waves that belonged to the very woman that had been the sole motive of my binge drinking.

Surprisingly I had a complete recollection of the entire night, even up until I fell asleep in her arms.

I remembered the fight we had right before my show, the wild sex we had afterwards, and the emotional moment we shared after I drunkenly spilled my heart to her.

Somehow we had changed positions throughout the few hours of sleep and she was now calmly resting on my chest, her slowed breaths quiet and unlabored.

I stroked her hair with my fingers, unable to keep my hands off of her as I admired the sleeping beauty that laid before me.

I felt indifferent and was unsure what last night meant for us but I knew we were in a better place than we were previously.

I do want you baby. I want us.

Her sweet voice tasted like smooth honey as it sounded repeatedly in my eardrums and I hoped and prayed that it wasn't my imagination that drummed up those words.

I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead as my soul finally felt at ease as I held her tightly in my arms.

The brushing of my lips against her skin was enough to cause her to stir, softly groaning as she suddenly arised.

Her long eyelashes wisped up and down as she blinked her eyes fully open to finally meet my own.

Her expression softened as she realized she was in my embrace and a small but noticeable smile tugged at her lips.

"Hey babe." I whispered quietly, my hand traveling up her shirt and along the small of her back.

"Hey." She whispered back, her body melting into mine as we remained tucked under the comfort of the covers.

"Are we going to watch the sunrise?" She muttered before softly yawning into my shirt.

I let out a quiet chuckle to myself at how my favorite thing that I always used to enjoy doing alone, quickly turned into something I now only wanted to share with her.

"Not yet beautiful. It's only 4 am." I mumbled, glancing at the clock that sat above my fireplace.  "We still have some time."

She picked her head up from my chest, giving me a lazy but beautiful smile, reminding me that I would stop at nothing to get back to where we were before.

But it quickly dawned on me that I didn't want to settle for what we were.

I didn't want to be sneaking around anymore, pretending as if she was just my employee when she was so much more.

Oh fuck, you idiot. You fucking fired her remember?

While I was so busy in my own head, I almost didn't feel her soft fingertips creeping up my shirt, and began grazing carefully along my skin.

"Baby." Her voice was soft and feminine though she had just woken up and it was full of sleep.

My attention was immediately caught by her touch, pulling me out of my thick cloud of thoughts as her dark eyes locked with mine.

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