Chapter 27

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I carefully glided my pink tinted gloss over my lips as I stood in front of the full length mirror.

It was our last night in Phoenix and the team had planned on hitting up a nightclub and letting loose before we hit the road once again.

Our next stop was Salt Lake City, where we would be spending a week, that way Austin had a bit of a break to relax at home before we continued to travel the rest of the country.

I was placing the backing of my stud earring into place when I heard a short knock on my door.

"Come in." I called as I turned to rummage through my luggage for a pair of heels to match my nude dress.

I shifted my eyes to the door as I saw Adam letting himself in.

"Hey Lee." He said as he plopped down on my bed and kicked up his feet.

I rolled my eyes at his actions, not forgetting I was still somewhat mad at him.

"Don't hey Lee me." I said with a small scowl. "You outed my business to your sister before I even got a chance to tell her Adam."

"I'm sorry! I thought you had already told her." He shrugged as if he had done nothing wrong.

"Well I didn't!" I frowned as I pulled my shoes from my suitcase.

"Well excuse me for thinking you already told your best friend that you were sucking face with your boss. Kind of a big thing to forget, don't you think?" Adam fired back, clearly humoring me as he began to chuckle.

"I didn't forget. I just didn't really want to talk about it." I averted my eyes to the ground as I sank down onto the bed next to him, gripping my heels in my hands.

"You kissed Post Malone, the most popular recording artist in the world right now, and you didn't wanna talk about it with Sofia?" He raised his brow as if I were crazy out of my mind. "You guys call each other every time one of you breaks a freaking nail." He sarcastically jabbed.

"Fuck off we do not." I snapped back.

"You know what I mean. Why didn't you want to tell her?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, staring at the ground. "I didn't want her to make a bigger deal out of it than it is."

"Well is it a big deal?" He questioned curiously as I shifted my gaze from the floor to meet his eyes.

"I-I don't know I'm what I'm doing Adam." I honestly confessed.

"Do you care about him?" He asked with concern.

"I can't care about him." I said coldly, avoiding the question.

"Lena, you're my friend and everything but so is Austin. And I've seen him get fucked over in the past. He's too fucking nice for his own good."

We were quickly cut off as my door swung open.

"Lena you're gonna be riding with me to-" Austin said as he barged into my bedroom. His expression fell as he saw he had walked in on mine and Adam's conversation.

"Shit, I'm sorry." He said sheepishly as I watched his ears turn red for accidentally interrupting. "I'll uh- see you guys downstairs." He mumbled before he turned to leave and shut the door behind him.

Adam's gaze immediately caught mine as soon as the door clicked shut.

"Look, all I'm saying is that you guys seem to be getting really close and I'm sure it's difficult not to get your feelings involved. I just don't want either of you to get hurt."

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