Chapter 14

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I froze in my tracks as I heard the voice echo quietly from behind me. I swallowed hard, my mouth immediately turning dry as I opened it. My hand was still placed on the doorknob as I tried to think of what to say.

I slowly let go of the knob and cautiously turned around in what seemed like slow motion.

When I finally made a 360, I look up to face the person standing across from me in the dark hallway.

"Were you coming out of Austin's room?" Adam whispered as he stared at me with a confused look on his face.

"I-I- uh, w-we were just talking about the commercial." I stuttered nervously as I came up with some bullshit on the spot.

But Adam wasn't stupid. He knew me since I was kid and there was only so far I could pretend in front of him. He could tell I was nervous as he stared back at me curiously. He wasn't buying it and I could tell just from the way his expression changed from concerned to suspicion.

"Lena why do I feel like you're not being honest with me?" He quietly replied as he crossed his arms in front his chest and looked down at me like he was a disappointed older brother.

I let out a heavy sigh, unsure what my next move was.

I could continue to stupidly lie to Adam who has known me since I was eleven years old. Or I could come clean and trust that he wouldn't say anything to anyone about what he saw.

"Cause I'm not being honest with you." I whispered, hanging my head in defeat as the guilty creeped into my mind.

"Come on." He gestured to my bed room.

I opened the door, leading him inside, watching him close the door behind him.

I flopped onto the bed, my head still hung as he stood still across from me.

"What's going on?" He asked, his eyebrows raised as he spoke.

"I-I don't know." I shook my head, looking up to meet his eyes.

"Lee are you okay?" Adam's expression soon changed to sympathy as he caught onto my frustration.

I simply nodded, unsure how to tell Adam about mine and Austin's complicated situation.

"Do you like him?" He asked softly as he came over and took a seat next me.

"I don't know Adam. I don't know how I feel about him. We're still getting to know each other. I just feel drawn to him if that makes sense. But then after he kissed me it was like-"

"Wait woah woah woah hold on Lena. He kissed you?" Adam's eyes were widened as I have told him the juiciest secret in the entire world.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction before I answered him.

"Well yeah. He's kissed me quite a few times actually." I shyly replied, a stupid smile taking over my face.

"Holy shit I was not expecting that at all! I saw you guys were being alot nicer to each other but damn Lee you really know how to make someone be your friend." Adam snickered as he teased me.

I slapped his arm, scowling at him as I rolled my eyes.

"Adam shut up."

"So what's up between you two? Are you hooking up or are you developing feelings for him?" Adam asked after his laughter finally dissipated.

"I don't fucking know. I feel like we're just hooking up but everytime I'm with him, I feel.. myself. I went in there to end things and all it took was him kissing me to completely change my mind. This whole thing scares the shit out of me." I shrugged.

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