Chapter 77

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Lena just barely squinted her eyes, almost as if she were positively certain that I had remembered something. And the funny thing was, she couldn't be more right. This woman indeed knew me like the back of her hand as she almost immediately picked up on my changed expression the second I turned around to face her.

It was almost as if she could see right through my poor facade but for some reason, I felt as if I should somehow keep the memory I just had to myself for the time being.

I nearly contemplated telling her all about it for a short second but instead, I kept a straight yet believable face and turned half of my attention back to the stove.

As much as I wanted to ask her about the flashback and prod further into our past, a part of me wanted to keep my mouth shut and watch the present unfold itself.

"Wait a minute. Aren't you suppose to be giving me a cooking lesson?"

Lena slid down from the island counter top and adorably crossed her arms along the front of her chest as she gave me a small pout. The lights from the ceiling bounced off of her glossed lips, giving them a wet look, nearly distracting me for a half second.

I let out a small chuckle as I admired her beauty for about the thousandth time before I gestured for her to come closer to me.

"Come here."

She slowly strutted her way to the stove, the clicking of her heels echoing along the hardwood floor.

The cut out that dipped down slightly between her breasts only tempting me for a moment before I stretched my arms out to grab her by her waist and pull her small frame, placing her right infront of me.

"Im pretty much done cooking dinner, just the sauce is left but I could give you a tip or two." I began, fighting the urge to bite into the soft supple skin of her warm neck.

"So believe it or not, the very first rule of cooking is don't get distracted by a beautiful woman." I whispered into her ear as I towered tall above her shoulder.

"Well rockstar, you don't seem to have mastered that one if you ask me." She shrugged her shoulders as she leaned her head upwards, making eye contact as she teased me.

"What can I say groupie? Rules are meant to be broken aren't they?" I mumbled softly as my left hand rested comfortably on her hip.

"I think you might be right." She smirked slightly, a hint of tainted innocence dwelling in her brown eyes.

My left hand covered the back of her own as I led her open palm to grasp the handle of the spoon.

"Now grip it nice and tight and move your wrist gently in circular motions."

I continued to mutter into her ear as I felt her body relax into mine.

Our intertwined hands gently stirred the sauce in nothing but silence as I nuzzled my nose against the side of her neck.

But the softness of her skin rubbing gently against my own drove me face first into a unexpected memory yet again.

"Austin I'm warning you, I'm horrible. There's no fixing me." I watched Lena scowl, adorably pouting her bottom lip as she stood across from me.

I studied her beautiful face for a split second as she effortlessly stood out from the rowdy crowd. I took a step closer to her and carefully placed my two hands on each side of her hips. Her body heat emanating against mine and her signature raspberry scent drunkening me into a half state of oblivion.

She seemed on edge as she stood infront of me, her body almost shaking from my touch and I couldn't help but chuckle under my breath.

I leaned down and whispered softly into her ear.

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