Chapter 92

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I finished off the last drop of my coffee before placing my empty cup into the dishwasher. Vanessa had her nose buried into the screen of Smitty's iPhone, scrolling through his contacts as she busied herself with being in charge of the guest list for the party that we were apparently throwing that night.

Austin took it upon himself to start his celebrating on the earlier side, a grapefruit mimosa sitting in front of him as he chatted with Adam at the dining room table.

Austin took it upon himself to start his celebrating on the earlier side, a grapefruit mimosa sitting in front of him as he chatted with Adam at the dining room table

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I took half a second to admire him, the returned glimmer in his eye reassuring me that the love of my life was without a doubt back.

His gaze trailed to my direction as I must have caught the corner of his sparkling blue eye. He shot me a subtle wink across the room, accompanying that heart stopping smile that made me fall head over heels in love with him in the first place. He placed the pads of his fingers against his lips, blowing me a sweet kiss that cause the corners of my lips to tug.

I ignored Adam's eyes roll at our overbearing love gestures as I mimicked Austin's sweet actions.

He raised his hand, outstretching his arm to catch the kiss throughout the air as we stupidly grinned at one another.

"I'm really happy for you guys and all but you're making me fucking sick over here." Adam spoke up, interrupting our admittedly nauseating acts as his eyes darted swiftly between us.

"You know something Lena? That air kiss wasn't enough. Why don't you come over here and give me a real one?" Austin smirked as his gaze slanted over to Adam's direction.

"Austin we're going to make the poor guy throw up his breakfast." I shrugged my shoulders as I chuckled softly, shaking my head as I turned away towards the staircase.

"I'll make it up to you later rockstar." I said over my shoulder, catching Austin's wink as I made my way up the steps.

"Yeah you will Lee, I'm gonna hold you to it." He emphasized his words, his smirk peaking through as he made it overly obvious that I now owed him unspeakable sexual favors the next time he got me alone.

"Keep it in your pants Post, that's my little sister you're taking to."

"She's not your actual sister Adam."

"Yeah but she's almost like my sister so that counts for something." Adam snipped back, the two of them playfully bickering behind me.

"Well your 'almost' sister has the softest-"

"Austin!" I called from the top of the staircase, giving him a stern look as I held back a stifled laugh from escaping my fronted serious expression.

"What babe? I was going to say hands." Austin flashed his toothy grin as he innocently shrugged his shoulders as if he wasn't just taunting our friend.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now