Chapter 39

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Austin POV

"Dave thank you so much man. You know we always make magic whenever we link up. I appreciate you." I grinned at my music producer. He had been working with me ever since I released White Iverson and since the success of Stoney, we had been partners ever since.

"Of course Austin. It's always a pleasure." He shook my hand as I led him out of my front door. We had been successful with a few beats and even had a rough version of an almost completed song that I couldn't wait to show Lena. I closed it shut once I waved Dave off and I instantly ran up the stairs, anxious as all hell to see my girl. 

Once I reached the top, I quietly knocked on her bedroom door, patiently waiting for a response. I furrowed my brows as I heard nothing but silence as I pressed my ear against the door. I slowly turned the knob, creaking the door open and taking a peak inside, hoping to see the girl I was desperately aching for.

Damn Austin, it's only been hours and you're already losing your fucking mind without seeing her. Get it together.

But as much as I scolded myself, I knew there was no ounce of sanity when it came to Lena. She was so calm and inviting, yet she was filled with excitement and adventure. She had a million different layers to her and I couldn't wait to discover every single one of them.

My eyes scanned her empty bedroom and I let out disappointed sigh as she was nowhere to be found.

I ran my hand through my hair as I closed her door and trudged down the hall to my master bedroom.

I opened the door and flopped myself onto the soft bed, pulling my phone out of my pocket to send her a quick text.

Me: Where are you babe?

My finger hovered over the send button but instead, I locked my phone and threw it across the mattress as a familiar yellow shirt laying on the floor caught the corner my eye as I laid across the bed.

My eyes shifted closer to the bathroom door and I saw a little black skirt sprawled carelessly next to the yellow shirt.

I jumped up from the bed, a wide smirk forming across my face as I suddenly knew exactly where my princess was.

I pulled my shirt off and tossed it along with her clothes as I made my way towards the bathroom entrance. The door was slightly ajar as the dim light was shooting through small crack.

My footsteps were careful as my heart pounded rapidly in my chest, my nerves on overdrive as I couldn't wait to see what was waiting for me on the other side of the door.

I slowly pushed it open, revealing the sexiest sight I had ever seen in my entire life.

Lena was bent over the bath tub, lighting candles on each side as the combination of water and bubbles filled the giant jacuzzi.

She was wearing a tiny red thong, with a matching red bra.

Once she heard the sound of the door, she quickly spun around, as if she were somehow caught off guard and taken by surprise by my presence.

Her hand immediately went to her chest as she gripped one of my lighters firmly in her hand.

Her long waves from earlier were now piled on the top of her head, loose pieces curling at the sides of her face. I knew she didn't smoke but I couldn't help the small smirk from creeping it's way onto my face as I saw one of my cigarettes tucked behind her ear, an adorable move she indefinitely picked up from me.

She looked like the most beautiful creature I had ever fucking seen and I felt my jeans become tight just from the unexpected sight of her.

"Austin." Her soft voice was like music to my ears as she slowly took a few steps towards me.

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