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The pair had invited me to join them at lunch, it would also give me a chance to get to know their friends a little better. As I approached the table, I examined the table that was mostly dominated by boys. "Lady and gents, meet Sadie." Sophia announced pointing towards me. All five people greeted me with a smile and a girl with curly, brunette hair made a space between her and a boy, signalling for me to sit there. I smiled and took a seat and the girl turned towards me,

"I'm Natalia." she took out her hand and took mine, shaking it slightly, "Don't mind the guys."

"Hey! We're not that bad." the boy beside me rolled his eyes in defence, "I'm Jack by the way."

"Jack's right, we're good kids." the with short, curly hair across from my added, folding his arms. "And, Sadie, I'm Chosen." he smiled and then gestured to the other boys, "This is Caleb." the boy next to him gave a wave and a smile. Chosen gestured to the boy next to him, "This is Gaten." That smile was definitely contagious.

As I examined them, I noticed that Caleb was the one who pulled Finn off Jaeden during their fight yesterday. An the devil interrupted my chain of thought. The raven-haired boy strolled over to the table, setting his bag down on top. "Can you watch it?" Millie scoffed, annoyed.

"Shut it, prep." Finn spat back, rolling his eyes. He paused for a moment as his eyes met mine. "And you are?" Not the most charming 'welcome' ever but it could've been worse.

"That's Sadie, Sadie this is Finn." Sophia cut in.

"N-nice to meet you." I stammered, intimidated by his energy.

"Hmph." he muttered bluntly. Yikes. "Anyway... you boys getting the stuff?"

"You lot and your alcohol... there's more to life than drugs and partying guys." Natalia stated. I decided to stay quiet, not wanting to anger the beast.

"Mind your business." he said, grabbing his bag and walking away.

"Well there you go, you got to meet the bad boy." Sophia chuckled.


I sipped my coffee, examining the work that was in front of me on my laptop. I took a liking to the coffee shop and decided to return on my own to study.
"If this isn't fate, I don't know what is." I heard a familiar voice behind me chuckle. I raised my brows and turned around to meet the boys hazel eyes. "You come here often?"

"I actually don't." I chuckled, "It's only my second time being here."

"You're not from around here are you?" the boy inquired, taking a seat beside me.

"Nope, I only moved to Hearst a few days ago..." I replied. We sat in silence for a moment, I feel as if we both enjoyed the peace. "I'm Sadie, by the way."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Noah." I smiled in response and began typing on my word document. I felt his eyes watching me.

I stopped typing and turned to him, "You don't go to Hearst High?"

"Nope." he replied, "I go to River Banks... it's not too far from here, probably an hour or so."

"That seems pretty far to me." I shrugged.

"I guess it is. My parents wanted me to get the 'best education possible' so they enrolled me there, I didn't really have much of a choice." Noah sighed in replied. I gazed outside, it was almost pitch black.

"I'd better get going now." I told him, grabbing my bag.

"Before you do... could I get your number?" the brunette question, twiddling his thumbs. I nodded in reply, holding out my hand. He placed his phone in my palm and I typed my digits in the keypad, saving my contact as 'Sadie❤️' Noah examined his phone and chuckled slightly, blushing. "I'll see you later."

 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 † FADIEWhere stories live. Discover now