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Of course each day came with the occasional dirty side look but I learned to ignore it, after all I knew I didn't do what Jenna accused me of that's all that mattered to me. I was feeling okay, despite the rumours. Perhaps the only thing that kept me from crumbling was Jack, and I didn't know what I'd do without him because he was the only friend I had.

I closed my bedroom door and sat on my bed, I was awfully bored scrolling through instagram, incredibly invested in other people's lives and how much more interesting theirs were compared to mine. I kept refreshing my page and hoping for a notification from anyone yet no one availed to my boredom. I peered out of the slit in my bedroom curtains and it was drawing dark, I turned back to my phone to confirm the time, 9pm. I sighed and grabbed my coat which was laying upon my bed. I'd decided I was actually going to get some fresh air and messaged Jack telling him to meet at our spot.

He didn't end up replying so I just set off anyway, assuming he was busy and would eventually see my message and come to the bridge. I threw my hands into my pockets as I made my way down the lane which lead to the barren fields which surrounded the highway and the bridge. There seemed to be a lot more noise on the motorway than usual, however, I shrugged it off and continued on. As I neared closer to the bridge, I began to witness flashing lights, red and blue coloured. Had there been a car accident?

My curiosity drove me quickly towards the commotion — ambulance, police cars, people gathered, the road blocked off... a bag. A bag. A body bag.

I can't remember what happened next, I just fell.


I twiddled my hair in between my fingers as I sat in the armchair in the police station. I hadn't said anything, there wasn't anything to say as I gazed at the far corner of the small secluded room I was in. My dad came up behind me and rested his hand on my shoulder in an obvious attempt to ease the pain — but yet I felt nothing.

A police officer came into the room and shut the door quietly, I heard it clasp shut before my hearing went vague — only managing to make out the words.

"He fell from the bridge, it was an accident... I'm sorry for your loss."

 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 † FADIEWhere stories live. Discover now