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Friday afternoon after school had just finished, I stepped out of the doors to find it raining heavily, the thick clouds had cast a dark shadow so it looked almost pitch black. I sighed as I realised I had to brave the rainy weather, I thought about Finn and knew that he probably already left... it was too late to sat goodbye, and I reminded myself it was my choice.

I heard someone dragging something from behind me and footsteps, and I titled my head around slightly to see who it was. Finn began to pass by me, umbrella in hand. I didn't say anything, I just watched as he reached the steps, however he paused before beginning to go down the steps. "It was always you." he said, his back still turned. "Even through everything," the boy turned around to face me, "it was always you.... Even with Jenna, even when I hated you, even now... the first time I saw you I- I- fell in love. I'm in love with you Sadie." My jaw dropped, yet I couldn't even say anything as he stared into my eyes for a minute, before turning, "Goodbye, Sadie." He began walking down the steps, dragging his suitcase as the taxi that would take him to the airport pulled up at the bottom of the steps.

Finn gave me one last glance before he clambered into the taxi and it began to drive off; that's when all the pain and emotions hit me at once, then I stumbled down the steps and into the middle of the road which was presumably empty. I began waving my arms around frantically and yelling, "FINN! STAY!" Tears began rushing down my cheeks violently and I fell to my knees in anguish, cursing myself for not saying anything. "I love you." I sobbed.

I love you, Sadie Sink.

Three months had gone by with no word from the boy and I hoped he was doing well, but I still caught myself gazing at the boy's empty seat in class, daydreaming. "Sadie?" Sophia dragged my out of my daydream as she waved her hands in front of me, it was the end of class, end of school even.

I shook my head and smiled, grabbing my bag. All my flat mates were waiting outside the gates, and we all had an incredibly right group hug. We hung around for about an hour or so after school until the sun began to set, and Sophia offered to walk me home.

We reached my dad's front door, and as we did, she embraced. "Well... I'll see you around, partner." she jokingly saluted me and waved goodbye. I returned her waved and entered my home, running immediately upstairs and into my room. It was practically empty and littered with things I didn't want anymore, but there were still one more box left. I spotted my diary and went over to it, pulling a pen out of my pocket,

Hearst gave me memories that I thought I'd never have, and gave me the best friends I could ever wish for. It gave me a chance to develop and become the person I am, and I'm still becoming. I miss you, Finn, and I'll never forget you. I'll never forget any of the people I met here. I'm going to miss this place.

I set down my pen and locked up my diary, placing it in my bag. Then, my dad entered my room, grabbing the last moving box, "You ready, kiddo?" I nodded with a smile. We were moving away from Hearst, to Alaska, it was a huge change but a job opportunity arose for my dad and he couldn't decline.

I tucked my diary under my arm and made my way over to my door, stopping in the door frame and refreshing my head of all the memories I'd made here.

Then I switched off the light.


LORD this was a rollercoaster of emotions. i'm so happy with how it turned out though. thank you so much for all the love and support you guys have given me over the course of writing this book. it's truly incredible and i appreciate you all so much.
please keep stick around because I will be making announcements and maybe even more projects (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)
again, thank you so much for the support and i hope you all enjoyed reading Hearst High! stay tuned for updates :)
- sophie

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