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It was probably 9pm — yet we were all having so much fun we barely could tell how quickly the time past. The energy of the barbecue was still alive and the night air was still mild, surrounded by dancing and singing drunken middle aged people and chaotic little children would've never really be my idea of fun but this day really changed it. I'll admit, Finn and I had probably slightly too much to drink and I could feel myself getting a little too merry to call myself sober. "You want another drink?" Finn asked me, raising his voice over the loud music. I nodded and smiled and watched him go over to the gazebo - which was wonderfully decorated with fairy lights. When he left, I figured it gave prince charming to swoop in as Noah approached me.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked.

"Oh definitely!" I shouted in reply, so he could hear me over the loud music. Finn's house was located in the middle of a field, so the nearest neighbour was at least half a mile away so there was no chance of noise complaints. The brunette smiled and sat beside me.

"I think you've had a little too much of that beer." Noah chuckled, examining me.

"Noo way." I replied, "I'm fine honestly." My slurred speech kind of gave me away but Finn came back just in time. He raised a brow a Noah and gestured for him to move as he was in Finn's seat.

"Look, Finn. Can't you tell she's had enough to drink already?" Noah protested, putting his hand in front of me. "She doesn't need anymore."

"Look... No-ah. You're not her dad.. so leave her alone yeah? She's an adult she can do what- what she wants." Finn argued, stumbling slightly. I could tell he was about to get heated and I think his sister did too as Chloe came rushing to his aid.

"Maybe Noah's right. It seems you have as well." Chloe cut in, grabbing Finn's arm. "You two should come inside now." She dragged Finn inside. I got up the follow the pair but almost fell down, luckily I was saved by Noah.

"Be careful." he smirked, holding my waist. "Now you'd better go inside, beautiful." The butterflies...
Before I could say anything Chloe came rushing outside to collect me, she grabbed my wrist and lead me inside.

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