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I was settling in nicely. A week had passed since my first day at Hearst, and I was really getting on well with my new friends — well most of them. Finn never really was around, and whenever I saw him he just ignored me or was blunt with me; I just decided he wasn't worth my time.
We sat around the island in Sophia's dorm — which she shared with her friends. "You know," Jack said in between scoffing his fries, "I'm worried about Finn." I raised a brow. "You guys aren't?!" he exclaimed.

"I mean... not really." I shrugged.

"Sadie's right, Finn's never been the most warm-hearted person. He's just being his usual self." Sophia agreed.

"Probably off his head on drugs." Millie rolled her eyes whilst filing her nails.

"Hey don't be so harsh on him." Chosen cut in, "And I'm with Jack on this one, he's been awfully cold lately — even colder than he usually is! I think he could use someone to talk to." He raised a brow at me.


"Yeah. You're understanding, maybe he needs someone other than us to talk to." Chosen shrugged, taking a handful of Jack's fries.

"Hey!" he rolled his eyes.

I chuckled, "You're not serious right?" I watched the boy's face as his head nodded. "He won't even look at me, never mind tell me his whole life story." Millie giggled - at least someone understood.

"You two could be study buddies!" Sophia suggested.

"You're a genius, Soph. You'd be a great tutor for Finn, and boy, he needs it." Chosen clapped his hands together. I pulled a face, I did not like the idea. "Come on, Sadie, just try with him. Find him tomorrow after school."

"Find him? God knows where that boy hangs around." I replied.

"I do! Near the basketball court, you know near the benches? You'll be able to tell when you start to smell the cannabis and beer." Millie informed me, chuckling slightly. I sighed, I'd always liked helping people and looking out for them, so I guess it was worth a shot.


I shielding my eyes from the sun as I approached the bench, where I spotted Finn, his shaggy, curly hair covering his eyes. I clutched my bag, my nerves growing worse as I realised his really was with his stoner buddies. "...Finn?" I said quietly. He moved his hair out of his face and looked up at me, waiting for me to say something. "I-I, uh. Can I ask you something?" He didn't respond, but got up, I felt like he was going to talk away from me but he gestured for me to follow him.

"What do you want?" he said bluntly, leaning against the bar of the basketball hoop.

"I- I wanted to know if you uh, wanted tutoring." I shrugged, clutching my bag tight to my side. He stared into my eyes, I felt myself become even more uncomfortable. He didn't respond, it seemed as if he was actually thinking about it. "Chosen told me you needed a little help on studying for the chem exam..."

He scoffed, "Ah so they think I'm stupid?"

"I- no- I didn't say that I-"

"Forget it, Sink, I don't need your help." he rolled his eyes.

"Wait, Finn!" I clutched his hand as he began to walk away. "Please I do wanna help you..." The dark-haired boy stared at me for a moment, before ripping his hand away from mine. "If you wanna come — it's 162 Hyde Road!" I yelled, trying to ensure he could hear me as he walked away.
It was no use, I guessed he'd never accept my offer anyway.

After all he did hate me.


"I totally embarrassed myself." I sighed, holding my phone up the my ear.

"Who cares? There's no need to impress his stoner buddies." Millie scoffed.

"You're right - maybe I'm just overreacting." I sighed. I heard a knock from the front door.

"Sadie can you get that please?" my dad yelled from downstairs. I sighed and got up from my bed.

"Millie I have to go, I'll call you later." I told her before hitting 'end'. I swung open my bedroom door and made my way downstairs, through the stained glass I could make out a tall figure with dark hair. I quickly unlocked the door.

"You came!"

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