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We were all gathered at the bleachers since it was Hearst's first football game — well really the first one since I enrolled there. Finn was on the team so we came to give him some encouragement, though I don't think he really wanted my encouragement. Jenna was also there but she didn't say much to me, just offered me a smile and a wave. Finn came dashing over before the game started, and he came right towards me. He pulled me aside and my stomach dropped, "What the hell are you doing with Noah? Didn't I tell you he was bad news?"

"I- yeah... but he's nice and I him, Finn, I like him a lot." I sighed, feeling guilty.

The boy sighed and rolled his eyes. "After all I told you about him and you still like him?" he snapped, "Real cool, Sadie." I felt even guiltier than ever, but my mood soon changed with Finn's passing comment, "You probably just want him for the money anyway."

"You know what? Screw you, Finn!" I was so angry in the moment, and I couldn't stop myself, "You're such and asshole, you only don't like Noah because you're jealous of him! And to be honest, I'm not surprised either." For a moment I saw a flash of hurt on his face, but then it morphed back into his angry scowl. He rolled his eyes and returned to the group. I sighed and joined them, taking a seat on the bleachers.

I watched Jenna's face form into shock as Finn took his shirt off, wiping the sweat from his forehead with it. "You okay ladies?" he smirked, approaching Millie and Jenna.

"Yup." Millie giggled. "Just admiring the view, right Jenna?" she elbowed her. It felt as if this girl was already managing to take everything from me. Jenna stuttered but didn't manage to say anything.

"Don't worry, you can take a peak any time." the boy smirked before running onto the pitch. I sighed and grabbed my bag, he hated me so there was zero point of me being there.


I sipped the coffee, then I placed it down. "Why did you tell everyone I'm your girlfriend, Noah?" I sighed. I decided it was time to bring up on our date to the coffee shop, which was quickly arranged after the whole situation at the football game.

"Because— I just... I don't know." the brunette sighed, setting aside his drink on the table, "I thought we were more than friends, Sadie, and I want to be more than that because I really like you, like a lot."

I sighed, "I like you too... but I'm not ready."


"For this... for a relationship. I just feel as if I can't give you that commitment that you want, Noah, not yet. I really like you, I do, it's just that things are really complicated." I admitted, stirring my coffee. He didn't answer at first, and I was terrified to look up at him just in case I shattered his heart.

"It's okay." Noah eventually replied, his tone more cheerful than I'd expected. "I'm willing to wait... until you're ready. I can see this going somewhere, and I wanna find out."

I smiled at him, before leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Thank you for being patient with me."

 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 † FADIEWhere stories live. Discover now