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Sophia asked.

"Well yeah, I've never really romanticised the idea of living in a shared, smelly flat with a bunch of strangers." I shrugged, shielding my eyes from the blinding sun. It was lunch break and we were all gathered around our usual spot, it was just us girls for now: Natalia, Sophia, Millie and I.

"Well what if I told you... that you could live in a shared, smelly flat with a bunch of your friends." Sophia said with a grin, leaning over the wooden table.

I raised a brow, "Are you asking me to move in?" Natalia gave a nod. "I- of course! I'd love that!" My enthusiasm died down however as I gave the idea more thought. "Are you guys sure... I wouldn't be intruding would I?" I twiddled with my thumbs.

"What!" Natalia scoffed, "No way, honestly Sadie we'd be blessed to have you in our flat. We've been discussing it for a week or so now and none of the boys seemed to oppose the idea — the more the merrier!"

"Indeed! So what do you say?" Sophia asked with a grin.

"I mean if my dad isn't averse to the idea, then of course!" I replied eagerly.


My dad was fully on board with the idea of me moving in with my friends, he told me it would give me some 'adult experience'.

My father passed me the last box, "That's the last one, kiddo." I smiled and passed the heavy box over to Chosen; who was very kindly helping me with my stuff. My dad wrapped me in a hug, "I know you're an adult now... but don't forget about your old man, Sadie."

"You know I would never, Dad. I love you." I muttered, my words muffled by his embraced.

"I love you too, your mother would be proud." he replied. He let go of me and gave me one last smile, "If you ever have any trouble — because I know what you kids are like — I'm thirty minutes down the road, missy." I chuckled and watched him climb into his car, giving me a wave before he drove away. Though half an hour wasn't an excessively long distance, it was still far enough for me to already be missing my dad.

However, he was right, this was the start of a new chapter; Sadie Sink becomes an adult. And lord, I cannot wait for what the future holds.

This was a short one, but again it's a filler chapter.
Sadie moves in with a bunch of boys — what could go wrong?
Hope you're all enjoying this story; I love and appreciate everybody who reads, comments and votes. Thank you for the support!
- soph

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