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"It's nice being back here." I exclaimed, looking around the kitchen of the flat. Sophia had invited me after school to stay for a couple of hours and I assumed she was going to propose the idea of me moving back in.

"So..." Millie sat beside me at table. "You and Wyatt, huh?" I rolled my eyes in response to the girl and sipped my tea, she was just trying to create some gossip. "Hey! I'm curious!" the brunette girl defended. "Where are you going with that?" Millie cocked a brow and I turned my chair to see who she was talking to... Finn.

The ravenette had a beer in his hand and looked as if he was about to leave the kitchen. He rolled his eyes and told the girl it was none of her business and left, Finn's alcohol consumption was becoming a concern. I pushed myself up from my seat and decided to follow the boy, watching as he left through the front door. 'Where is he going?' I thought to myself. I slowly opened the door and attempted to make as little noise as possible so he didn't catch me following him. As I witnessed him heading up the stairs, I knew exactly where he was going.

I pushed open the fire door exit and stood still, watching as he cracked open the beer can and took as sip as he watched the cars pass on the road below. Finn has his feet dangling over the edge of the building, and he didn't even need to turn to speak to me, "I know you're there." His sentence startled me and informed me that my attempt at not being noticed had failed so I went and sat beside him. We didn't say a word as he held up the beer can as if he was asking me if I wanted some. I couldn't remember the last time I have some kind of alcoholic beverage so I nodded my head yes.

As I handed the can back, he glanced at me for moment and looked as if he was examining me. My cheeks grew warm as he continued to look me up and down and I began to wonder when he was going to look away. To my fortune, he did and he broke the silence which was beginning to become awkward, "Is Wyatt your boyfriend?"

"What?" I raised a brow, surprised that he'd think that.

"Hey, sorry if you guys are trying to keep it low-key I just kind of... noticed." Finn chuckled and raised his hands in defence jokingly. I honestly thought he was teasing me by asking if Wyatt was my boyfriend, but I gathered that, from his expression and his tone of voice, he was being serious.

"No..." I trailed off, feeling kind of awkward, luckily I managed to save the conversation with a joke, "Though I'm pretty sure he wanted to be... he even kissed me on the first day we met!" Finn broke out in laughter and took a sip of his beer again; he attempted to keep a straight face but he failed and he ended up spitting his beer everywhere.

"Seriously?" he choked out between his laughter, "The first day?" I chuckled and nodded my head in response. It was nice joking around with Finn as I'd probably only ever seen him smile once before — nevermind laugh.

When we managed to contain our laughter, we both gazed at the sun which was setting below the sky-high buildings in front of us. The air was mild and was accompanied by a cool breeze which was the perfect setting. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, absorbing the white noise that the roads below emitted. "Why were you in Texas?" Finn broke the silence and the peace and I could tell by his sudden outburst that the question had been lingering on his mind for a while. I didn't answer straight away because I was trying to decide whether I make up an excuse or telling him the truth.

I decided that the truth would require a lot less effort so I exhaled and began, "I was visiting my mom... I haven't seen her since I was eight and honestly it was an impulsive decision, my dad had no idea I even left the state."

"He didn't know?" the ravenette raised a brow and leaned closer, "Why?"

"I- he wouldn't want me seeing her..." I trailed off, I opened my mouth to hesitantly continue as I saw his facial expression but he quickly cut me off.

"No, you don't have to tell me anything if you're not ready."

"Thank you." I thanked him. We sat in silence gazing at eachother for a few moments, until he leaned forward. Was he going to kiss me? I held my breathe as he neared my face but he suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"I care about you... a lot." he reminded me. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, and I'll do everything to make it up to you."

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