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This was going to be my first time socialising with more than one person at a time in months, and Finn was going to be there too. I wondered if he still hated me, or if he'd gotten over it? Probably not. I told myself I should've never agreed to it — they were probably going to ask why I'm in Texas too! I'd told
everybody my mother was dead, it was embarrassing telling them that she's a chain-smoker who abused me so my dad ended up kidnapping me in the middle of the night when I was eight.

My phone pinged and I picked it off the counter. Noah was here. I grabbed my purse and silently made my way out of the house, it was 6PM yet my mother was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her; she'd question where I was going then try to introduce herself to Noah or invite herself to his uncle's party. I carefully closed the door behind me. "Hey, you look amazing." Noah said with a smile, but then his smile dropped as he realised what he just said. "As a friend way... of course."

"Thank you, Noah, you're funny." I chuckled as we got into his car. I sighed and looked out the window and for a moment I felt like I had my life together for once. I was going out, and I was with somebody who didn't think I was a monster. But then I remember, Finn was going to be there and god knows how he was going to act. However, I shook my head and took a deep breathe; it's not all that bad after all.

We soon arrived at Noah's uncle's place and it was huge as expected, he took me around the back gate and I was greeted with the sound of loud music, lights, the smell of the barbecue and the sight of the huge pool they had. "Sadie!" I turned to see Finn's father and I was certain Finn was definitely here. "Fancy seeing you here, young lady! Did our Noah invite you?"

"Indeed he did, Mr Wolfhard." I told him with a smile.

"It's been a while since we've seen you... I'm sure Finn has been missing you very much." Haha of course. "How have you been? We've all been worried about you."

"I've had bad days... but I'm getting there, thank you for asking." I replied. I turned away and I felt myself scanning around for Finn, to avoid him of course and not say hello. I turned around to see the raven-haired boy towering over me and I almost went into shock. "Finn... I— hey... I uh— are you okay? You know after the other day and all."

"I'm fine..." he sighed. "And you? How are you?"

"I'm good..."


We stood in silence for a few seconds, staring at eachother until I got hugged from behind. I turned around to see Chloe with a huge smile on her face, she greeted me and asked me how I was and we talked about life. I really liked Chloe, she was mature for her age and really understanding and we got on really well. By the time we'd finished our conversation, Finn had disappeared.

I then got whipped away by Noah and we had a great time; I didn't see much of Finn at all. The night soon came to a close and I felt good, I felt like I was finally coming close to being happy again.

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