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I rubbed my eyes and as my vision became more clear I began to process my surroundings. I was on Finn's couch, face smeared in makeup and wearing the clothes I had on the night before. I turned and saw the boy sleeping beside me, I also noticed my phone upon the glass coffee table in front of me. I reached for it and immediately 17 notifications flashed up.

Dad (7 missed calls)
Sophia (6 missed calls)
Millie (missed called)
Sophia (3 messages)

I never even told my dad where I was going and that I wasn't coming home — hopefully he wasn't too worried because after all, I was an adult. My eyes flicked up to the time... 11pm. Shit — I was late. I immediately turned to Finn, "Finn, wake up!" As I shook him his eyes began to flutter open.

"What time is it?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes and holding his head.

"It's 11am!" I said in a panic. "Can you drive me back to my place?"

"Why?" he questioned, sitting up.

"So I can get changed..."

"It'll be fine, you can borrow some of my sister's clothes she won't mind — plus she had some makeup wipes so you can, y'know, fix that." he suggested, pointing to my eyes. I grabbed my phone and looked in my front camera; mascara was smeared all over my eyelids... so embarrassing. "I'm gonna get a shower." he groaned, rubbing his head.

I ran up the stairs and went into Chloe's room and I was pleasantly surprised with her closet. I quickly tore out a pair of baggy jeans and a tube top, and I took my clothes off from last night. I rushed over to her dressing table and opened the drawer to find the makeup wipes. I ripped out a couple and aggressively rubbed the smudged makeup off my face — my skin is gonna get revenge for this.

We made it in time for lunch break. "I feel like shit." Finn groaned, rubbing his head.

"Me too..." I sighed, "I guess we've learnt our lesson; to never get wasted on a Sunday." He chuckled and we made our way over to the table where our friends turned and stared at us. I took a seat beside Sophia and she turned to me.

"Where the hell have you two been? You've missed like 4 periods!" she exclaimed, raising a brow.

"I- uh. I slept in." I lied.


I stirred the sugar into my coffee. "So would you like to tell us where you've actually been?" Sophia raised a brow before taking a sip of her tea. Millie, Sophia and I made plans to head to the coffee shop after school and I can confirm I needed if. I sighed, they knew I was lying so I thought I may as well tell them the truth.

"Okay, I stayed at Finn's last night." I admitted. The girls gasped.

"What?" Millie said, jaw wide in shock, "Look I don't know if you took the term study buddies as anything more than literal but-"

"No! Before you start assuming let me explain: basically he invited me to come to his family's Valentines barbecue and of course I accepted. We actually had a lot of fun — and maybe a little bit too much to drink..." I shrugged.

"O.M.G. You didn't sleep with stoner boy did you?" the brunette gasp.

"No. But he does have an incredibly sexy cousin who happens to be the boy we bumped into." I giggled.

"No way!" the girls synced.

"Yep... he also called me gorgeous." I gushed.

"Hashtag... jealous." Millie sighed.

sorry this chapter was kinda boring — it's just a filler :)

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