The Prep and Potion Incident

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"Pardon me, madam, but why is your hand cutting up Mr. Weasley's materials?" Asked Professor Snape, the Potions Master at my school. (Before we begin, there are somethings you should know. 

Starting off with a whopping number one: Professor Snape hates my guts. And I have no idea why. [Actually, now that I think about it; it might be because last year, Fred, George, and myself switched his hair shampoo with purple shampoo, turning him blonde for three weeks.]

Number two is: Fredrick and George Weasley are my best friends. Together, the three of us are the school's anarchists. 

Anyways. Let's continue.

"Because I finished doing my prep, and he asked me to. Why do you care?" I responded, ignoring George who was staring at me with wide eyes. 

Professor Snape quirked a brow at my bold comment. "Did I ask for cheek, Miss (y/ln)? I don't recall saying that I wanted your opinion. Get back to brewing your potion or so help me, I will fail everyone in this class."

"Want to bet-" I started, but Fred covered my mouth with his hand and stomped on my foot.

"Not everyone wants to bet, Y/n. Ignore her, Professor. Continue teaching, sir. We are ALL paying attention." George stated, smiling at the Potions Master.

You bit Fred's hand and he shook his hand away, watching as Professor Snape shot you an eye-roll before he walked in the opposite direction.  "Next time I will lick your hand." I warned Fred, taking a step toward the cauldron I shared with George.

Like I said. Professor Snape DOES NOT LIKE ME. That would be considered a fairly nice conversation. If you don't think that is much, just wait and find out what I did next.

"Oh Professor? Yeah, you. Bat of the dungeons. I need your approval-"

"You will never get my approval, y/ln. You act like a fool in every class that you have, therefore, I have no reason to approv of your behavior. Get back to work. Now." Said Snape.

"Hey dip-shit? Yeah, you. I was asking for you to approve my potion. I finished early. But I suppose it would be better just to trash it and waste all of your precious materials that you lectured me about using. Now, pardon me, sir. I have to go discard of my cauldron and I don't want your abnormally large nose to be in the way."

Believe me. I know its mean. That was why I said it. He knew it was mean too, so that is exactly why what happened next even occurred.

"Sit your arse down right now. You litsten to me little girl," Professor Snape bellowed out louder than I had expected him to. He walked past several students as he came face to face with me, looking down as his eyes glared holes into mine. "I will not take attitude from an insolent little brat such as yourself. I told you to use your resources wisely, not to insult your Professor. Clearly you have no respect for your elders. Sit. Down. Now."

Yeah, I know. If you think that is the beginning, we aren't even there yet. First came the detention and exactly how I got it.

I, of course, was not just going to it there and take his lecture. "No." I replied,  taking the ladle from inside of my cauldron and flicking a bit of the potion toward him. 

It hit right on his left cheek and his eyebrows narrowed as he looked down at me. "Sit. Down." He said in a deadly quiet voice that scared even me. The room went silent as I slowly took a seat. He continued to glare at me before he turned to the rest of my peers. "Thanks to your classmate here, you are all receiving the lowest marks I can give you. How about a round of applause for the girl who thinks that she can just do as she pleases and not affect the lives of others. Miss y/n. You will be coming to my classroom every night at 5 O' Clock PM sharp for a detention over the next three months. Class dismissed." 

Every single person looked at the floor with anger except for Professor Snape. His eyes stayed glued on me as his stern expression was replaced with a slightly amused one. "Your actions have consequences. Surely you should have known that. Right?"

I knew it was a rhetorical question, but some thing deep inside me wanted to be a smart-ass. I bit my tongue as George tugged my arm and stood me up. "Let's go. Now the entirety of the school is going to hate us." He mutters.

"What do you mean us-" I began, but Fred picked up the ladle again and tossed it toward Professor Snape's cloaks. George took a handful of the diced lacewing before he tossed it at his robes.

Snape stayed still, his eyes still making contact with mine as he let out a heavy sigh. "Everyone will spend the next session that they have with me cleaning the Potions classroom thanks to your Weasley Twn friends." 

The rest of our classmates let out a synchronised groan. "Nice going Fred." Snarled someone as the elbowed him whilst he went to leave. "Great job George." Muttered another, rolling their eyes. "This is all y/n's fault." Said someone else.

George winked at me and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the classroom. Fred followed him, grabbing my other hand. "It's okay y/n. Things happen." He shrugged. 

"He aggravates me to a whole other level." I mutter and George chuckled slightly.

"Really? We had no idea. Thank you for clearing that up." Said Fred, giving a sarcastic gasp. I rolled my eyes and the boys laughed slightly. Come on, dork. You should probably get some of your work from your other classes before you have to meet the big bad wolf at 5 O' Clock."

I let out a soft sigh. "I guess that isn't a horrible idea."

"It's genius, actually." George smiled, elbowing me slightly."Incredible." I rolled my eyes in response.

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