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(Aight let's get into it)

"Heyyyy kitty. What are you up to?" Severus asked, placing his hands on my shoulders and leaning down to kiss my cheek.

I swatted him away. "Shh I'm trying to draw something." I stated.

He arched a brow as he looked at the paper in my hand. "Ah. Stick figures. Right."

I rolled my eyes and elbowed him gently.

He let out a dramatic groan. "Oh- you got me!"

"Hehe. Get rekd, whore.

"That is very rude." He replied. "But what are you trying to draw?"

"My plan on how I'm going to murder Albus for making me go on this trip.".

"It's not all that bad." Severus stated. "Is it?"

"Well no. But I miss laying in my bed at night." I responded, slowly lifting my head to look at him.

He frowned. "What? You don't like lying in my arms at night anymore?"

"Oh shut up that's not what I meant." I replied.

He laughed maniacally and kissed the back of my head before I watched him sit down on the bed. "Well you know what might cheer you up?"

"Please. Enlighten me."

His lips curled up into a smirk as he pointed to a bag in the corner. "Remember how we made a surprise visit a little while ago?"

I looked to where he was pointing before I slowly returned my gaze to him. "Yeah?"

"Want to find out what I bought?"

"Severus I swear to-"

"Shut up and get on the bed" He replied, standing up.

"No. Make me." I replied teasingly.

He didn't like that.
Not one bit.

He approached me quickly, pulling me out of the chair and basically tossing me onto the bed.

"I had a feeling you'd misbehave." He stated. "Do you have any idea what I'm going to do to you?" he asked, slowly climbing over me.

Leaning down, he kissed me. His lips were demanding, firm and slow, molding mine. He started unbuttoning my shirt while he placed feather-like kisses across my jaw, my chin, and the corners of my mouth. Slowly he peeled it off me and let it fall to the floor. He stood back and gazed at me.

"Oh, y/n" he whispered. "You have the most beautiful skin. I want to kiss every single inch of it."

His fingers traveled across my skin up to my hair and both of his hands landed in it, grasping each side of my head. His kiss was demanding, his tongue and lips coaxing mine. He put his arms around me and hauled me against his body, squeezing me tightly. One hand remained in my hair, the other traveled down my spine to my waist and soon, even further.

He held me against his hips, and I felt his erection, which he languidly pushed against me.

Tentatively, I moved my hands up to his face and into his hair. It was soft, unruly. I tugged gently, and he groaned.

He eased me against the bed, until I felt it behind my knees. Releasing me, he suddenly dropped to his own.

He grabbed my hips with both his hands and ran his tongue around my navel, then gently nipped his way to my pelvis.

"Ah," I groaned quietly.

My hands stayed in his hair, pulling gently as I tried to quiet my loud breathing.

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now