I cant think of a witty title

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"Five Points from Gryffindor." Professor Snape said nonchalantly as he turned the page of his book.

"All I did was breathe-" George said, staring at the Potions Master with wide eyes.

"Another five from Gryffindor. Keep it up and your house will be in the negatives." He added, shooting George a deathly stare.

"That's not fair!" Fred piped up

"Oh? Are the Weasley twins looking for both a detention and another fifteen points revoked? Well. I can give you both. Now shut your insolent little traps right this instant."

The potions classroom went silent after that; Fred and George spent most of the period glaring at their professor as he read his book triumphantly.

I ensured that our cauldron didn't explode whilst they watched him with hatred.

The clock outside chimed loudly, indicating the dismissal of the students.

Fred and George hauled all of their things into a heap, separating it evenly between the two of them.

"Your potions will brew over night. You are all to come back here tomorrow at seven in the morning to continue toward the final product."

Students began piling out of the door as quick as they could.

Unfortunately, with everyone trying to get out at the exact same time, it created a hazard for people to approach the door.

Fred and George chose to stay next to me this time whilst we waited for the line to become thinner and easier to pass through.

Snape cleared his throat, causing the hum that had stirred between the students to fall silent.

"Ms. Y/n. Stay back for a moment, I would like to have a little chat with you."

Everyone around us drifted their gaze to me. I felt my face growing hot as the attention revolved around myself. "Y-yes. Of course, professor." I replied.

Fred and George gave each other a concerned look. "Professor?"


"We really have to get going. Y/n has a meeting with Professor Dumbledore about her... Honor Role achievement."

Severus propped his feet up on his desk moments after he set his book down and crossed his arms.

"How convenient. I also have a meeting with Professor Dumbledore."

By now many students had left the room.

"Well- hers is in ten minutes."

"As is mine." Severus replied, unbothered by Fred's attempts at helping me escape the situation at hand.

Fred and George looked between one another. "Yes but hers is a very private meeting."

His arms uncrossed and he reached his hand out to one of the drawers in his desk. His hand snaked back out a moment later with a small rectangular box and a lighter.

His hand flipped the lid of the box open and he pinched up what looked to be a cigarette (or fag if you are from Europe. "pIp PiP cHeErIo")

His thumb clicked over the other object and a small flame ignited through the end of it.

He brought the cigarette to his mouth and set the tip of it on fire.

Fred and George audibly swallowed as he stared at me whilst inhaling slightly and pulling away the cigarette.

His eyes never left mine as he lifted his head slightly and exhaled the smoke.

"As is mine." He said at last.

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