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"Ten points from Gryffindor." "Thats a detention, Weasley." "Shut it y/l/n!" "Another five for y/n's cheek will be taken." "Fredrick Wealsey, go see the headmaster." "George, get out of my class." "Y/n, that is about enough out of you."

Those were all phrases that had been said by Professor Severus Tobias Snape the following week.

Fred and George were getting a kick out of his annoyed state. I must admit, I was thoroughly amused by it as well.

"Okay. Let's see who pisses Snape off last." I said as I approached the potions class with the twins.

"Alright bet." Fred said.

"Loser has to eat slugs for breakfast tomorrow. So Fred. I hope you are prepared to be consuming them." George chimed in.

I smiled slightly and went silent as I entered under the doorway. To my amazement, the estranged bat of the dungeon was nowhere to be seen.

"Thats odd." Fred commented and looked around. 

"What is?" Asked Dean Thomas from the desk nearest the door. 

I glanced at him. "Snape isn't here." I replied.

Dean raised his eyebrows. "Oh you three don't know."

"Dont know what?" Fred asked, taking a seat in front of Dean.

The boy turned his gaze between the three of us. "Professor Snape has fallen ill. Dumbledore suspects that it was the stress that caused it. Its not good to plan out lesson plans and homework assignments well into the night when you should be asleep, you know."

"Oh- that's weird. He usually doesn't get sick. In fact, I have never seen professor Snape absent from his normal duties." George said with suspicion.

"I reckon he is on a date with his new girlfriend and Dumbledore is just covering for him." Lee Jordan popped into the conversation from behind me.

I nearly jumped when I heard his voice and he chuckled softly. (Cough cough* possible underrated love interest in the future 👀 👀* cough cough)

"Where did you-nevermind." Fred shook his head.

"Since when was Severus Tobias Snape able to pull a woman, or anyone, for that matter?" George asked.

Lee shrugged and pulled a chair put. "M'lady." He said with a charmin grin.

"Why thank you." I replied half heartedly as I took a seat. Something was growing in the pit of my stomach, I didnt know what it was either.

George grabbed my hand and leaned in close to my ear. "You alright?" He asked in a big brotherly type of way.

"Hmm? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I replied in a mutter.

George gave a doubtful glance and nodded. "You seem tense. You can always talk to me, miss girl."

I tried to hide the smile that was trying to force its way through. "Yes I know. And thank you, kind sir."

Fred tossed his wand up in the air. "You know what that means?"

The wand jumped from his hand as he attempted to catch it and hit Lee in the back of the head. "What?" George asked, letting go of my hand.

"We all have to eat slugs." 

"What the f-" I cut my sentence short when Dean's eyes shot to me. "Friiick. I said Frick. You can't rat me out because I didn't say a bad word."

George laughed slightly and relaxed a bit more as Professor Binns entered the room. "Right. As some of you may know, professor Snape is ill. So I will be filling in for the evening. Get your textbooks out, we will be taking notes on the drink of despair."

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now