Cheap Cologne and Peppermint

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"Enter!" Called the deep voice of Professor Snape from beyond the door. My feet stopped outside of the oak wood, surprised that he knew I had arrived despite the fact that I had not knocked. 

My hand twisted the doorknob, pushing on the wood to open the door. When I walked inside, the Potions Master was at his desk, presumably grading old assignments and putting bad marks on any with the name Weasley on it.

"Ah, yes. Y/ln. Glad you finally decided to join me at five O' six in the afternoon. What happened? Lose the clearly marked path to the Potions Classroom? I wouldn't be surprised. You aren't very observant." Said the Potions Professor.

That was fair. I deserved that.

I let out a slight scoff as I shut the door behind me and sat down at an empty desk that was far enough away from him that I could make small crude comments every once in a while and he would not hear. 

"No. You're sitting beside me. Now." He stated, snapping his fingers and gesturing to the seat in front of him. "I want to make sure you are marking these papers correctly."

"And why wouldn't I?" I asked.

He simply rose a brow at me and rolled his eyes. That  was my indication to stop talking. I let out a slight snort of air  and approached his assigned seat. 

"There are 36 count papers in this pile I am handing you. 36 that need to be marked. 36 that need to be graded. Do you think you can handle a few corrections Miss Y/N? Or is it too difficult for that tiny little waist- i mean- brain of yours?" He covered his mistake with a clear of his throat and stood up abruptly. (Can I just say this? You are all gorgeous no matter what. MWAH! I LOVE YOU ALL!)

My eyes widened slightly. "Um...was that insult supposed to backfire on you?" I asked, glancing upward at him. 

"For your information, Ms. Y/LN, my mind was occupied with the thought of another woman who is far more important than you. I can assure you of that." He hissed back, turning his head ever so slightly to the right as he walked away from the desk.

It shouldn't have mattered. He was insignificant in my life, so I wasn't quite sure why I found his words so painful. It hurt. It really truly did. 

"Right. Because I care about your love life. Anyone who is so touch deprived that they would go for someone as cold as you must be out of their minds." I muttered. I wanted to hurt him back, though I wasn't sure what I had said had caused quite the reaction I had wanted.

"Your insults are pathetic young lady. Just like you. You are just a hormonal little brat that thinks things about certain boys that I know for a fact don't have any interest in her. Get to work you useless dunderhead." He scoffed, pressing my head down slightly as he passed. "I will be leaving for ten minutes. When I return, I expect half that pile to be marked."


"Get. It. Done." He stated before I got the chance to say a word. His capes bellowed out behind him as he stormed out of the room.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the random quill in his books. Hopefully that hadn't been bookmarking anything because it was now the quill that was going to be marking papers.

"Why aren't they finished? Foolish girl?!Do I have to make you write things myself? You take the quill. You place it on the paper. And you write the grade. Its simple." Professor Snape hissed, placing his hand around my own as he guided the letter P on Fred's paper. "Imbecile." He muttered as he retracted his hand. 

I swallowed hard as I ignored the small ignition of butterflies that began to swarm into my stomach. "Yeah. Thanks. You caught me on the last paper." I stated with annoyance.

"I gave you twenty-five minutes to finish. That should have been more than enough to copy the correct answers and mark them down." He replied, rolling his eyes as he plucked the quill out of my hand. "Go make yourself useful and clean the cauldrons." He scoffed, waving me away.

I sighed and turned on my heels, walking toward the black pots that were full of gunk from the previous classes. 

My hand reached into my pocket and curled around my wand, but Professor Snape muttered "You may not use magic during this punishment."

My eyes naturally circled as I sighed and grabbed a sponge. "Fine. He wants me to wash the cauldrons? I will wash the cauldrons. He wants me to write like him? Fine. Ill write like him. He wants to call me vicious names, I will spit them right-"

"It is five-thirty. Return to your seat." He cut me off, fixing a few papers together as I turned around. "Sit now. We don't have all day." 

Snape tossed a piece of parchment in front of me as he dipped his quill in ink. "Whats this?" I asked, glancing at the blank paper.

"Are you indeed deaf?" He asked, quirking a brow. "Read it." He said with a sigh after realizing my confusion.

I glanced over it. "Its blank."

He set down his quill and folded his hands together in frustration, his nostrils flaring as he glared down at me. "Are you blind as well?" He asked, grabbing my forearm and pulling it away from the paper. "Allow me to read my comments to you out loud then." 

He set my arm down on his desk, glaring at the paper as his eyes darted from my work to his notes. He cleared his throat and began to read.

"Whilst your penmanship is remarkable, it does not hide your lack of knowledge. Within this assignment, there were multiple instances in which you quoted your potions textbook, yet neglected to properly cite this source." He started, his fingers releasing from my arm as he continued. "If you truly wish to succeed in my class, you will have to learn this basic skill. While you do disappoint in your basic grammar, you excell in the context. Your use of language is indeed intriguing and informative."

His fingers subconsciously traced upward toward your hand as he read. My eyes darted toward them as Professor Snape finished reading his backhanded compliment-filled notes. "Overall,  I do have faith that you will both pass this class and impress me in the process. Sincerely yours, Professor Snape."

By now, his fingers were interlocked with mine and he slid the parchment back toward me. "Now. It is time for you to leave me to rest in my classroom with my thoughts. Tomorrow,  do be sure to bring protective layers. The job you and I will be doing involves hazardous items-" 

It was in that moment he knew that his hand was intertwined with mine.  "Um....I will leave you to it then." I stated, standing up before he got the chance to say a word about it. 

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