There is no title..... weirdo 🧐

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Dumbledore handed Severus small slips of paper. "In order for you to not bring attention to yourself, we have assessed you with the proper necessities to fit in with the muggles. So you will take an airplane to France, you will check into the hotel given, and you will do your training inside of the hotel room. Got it?"

Snape let out a sigh and nodded. I nodded as well, giving the headmaster a doubtful glance.

He returned my glance with a rather cheerful one.

"Alright. You'll be on your way now." He said, giving Severus a little nudge.

"I hate airports." Severus muttered as he finally border the plane.

"Why? Are they not good enough for you, oh wise one?" I mocked him.

"Shut up." He scoffed and opened the book on his lap.

I smiled slightly as I recognized I had won that argument.

A half an hour had passed, the plane ride was still taking forever.

Severus had finished his second book in that time.

"What the fuck- how come you brought so many?" I asked.

He ignored me and flipped the page of his third one.

"Real mature." I muttered.

He continued to ignore me, though I could tell he was amused by my frustration.

I let out a tired yawn as another fifteen minutes passed by.

Severus gave me a slight glance as I did so. "Did you not get any rest last night?" He asked.

"No not really." I responded.

He let out a slight sigh before he put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his chest.

"Yo- what the fuck?!" I replied with confusion.

He shushed me and picked his book back up. "Go to sleep."


His hand fished into his pocket and he pulled out a small vial. "Drink this."

I looked at him with vivid confusion. "What is it?"

"Just drink it." He replied irritably.

I watched him suspiciously before he uncapped the vial and drank the liquid inside. "That tastes foul-"

He rolled his eyes and took the empty vial back.

I felt my eyes begin to daze and sleep seemed much more of a fantasy before. "You better not have drugged me..."

"Sleep" he ordered.

And almost as if it was magic, my eyes closed and I felt sleep draw closer.

"Wake up." Severus said quietly into my ear.

My eyes fluttered open at once. The first thing I noticed was that nearly everyone around us was standing up.

"Hmm? What happened?"

"You fell asleep and the plane recently landed so we must get off before it boards again. Come on."

I stood up shortly after he did. "Hey, what did you give me earlier?"

"Just something that would help you sleep now come on. Quit lolly gagging."

I rolled my eyes and followed him off the plane.

He stayed close to me as he looked down at one of the pieces of paper that Dumbledore had given him. "I have no idea where this is."

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