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(Warning sex 😩)

"Hey." I whispered to Severus. His eyes fluttered open slightly and he sat up groggily. "Good morning."

"Hmm? Oh. Shit. Yeah sorry." His hands rubbed his eyes and he lifted his arms behind his head. "This shirt reeks." He commented.

A small smile landed on my lips. He chuckled softly and let out a tired yawn.

"How's that hangover feeling?" I asked. He let out a scoff.

"I am never going to drink in my life ever again." He replied.

I gave a slight nod and looked down awkwardly.

His hand came forward and landed on the base on his jaw. "Look at me." He said.

My eyes drifted up to meet his. "Yes?"

"You're stunning my dear." He stated.

I felt my cheeks grow hot as I continued to stare at him.

He smiled slightly and removed his hand. "Thank you for being there for me last night. I really appreciate it."

"Of course." I replied, giving a slight nod. He looked between my eyes before he leaned his head forward and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I cleared my throat when he pulled his lips away. "Its amusing seeing you vulnerable."

"Oh yeah?" His hands reached the hem of his shirt and he slowly pulled it off of his head.

My eyes trained on his hands as he did. "Most indefinitely."

"Well I'll just have to pray that you don't see me in that state again. How did your evening with Mr. Jordan go?" He asked as he pulled the covers off of him and standing up.

I rubbed my arm awkwardly. "It was... An evening."

He turned his head to look at me. "Well what do you mean?"

His voice traveled with him as he walked into his bathroom. I saw him grab his toothbrush and what not. "Did he do anything outrageous?"

"Well not particularly. He called me a few names. And I returned the favor. In the end it was just a rather sad situation."

I watched as he brushed his teeth precisely. "Is there any particular reason that you brush each side of your mouth thirty six times before you switch?" I asked.

He paused for a moment and turned to me, arching a brow.

"Sorry. I pay too much attention."

He leaned over his sink and spit into it, turning on the water to rinse the sink and his toothbrush.

"I didn't realize I was doing that." He stated, grabbing his floss.

I shrugged. "Well that's alright. I'm glad you have good dental hygiene."

"Oh? And why is that?" He asked as he tossed the used floss away. His hand grabbed the hand towel nearest him and he wiped his fingers before he returned it and turned off the light, shutting the door.

"Well how am I supposed to kiss a man who doesn't brush his teeth?" I replied with an innocent smile.

He looked at me with slight amusement. "Well that is very bold of you to assume that I am going to kiss you, Ms. Y/n."

"Hey. You're the one over here with your shirt off. Not me." I replied.

A small laugh escaped his lips as he walked toward me.

"Always with the sass." He commented, standing in front of me.

I looked up slightly into his eyes. "Hi."

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