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I opened my eyes immediately as soon as I felt Severus move.

He glanced down at me. "Hello."

"Erm- Hi."

I continued to watch him in silence.

He broke eye contact and looked down. "I apologize for waking you. My intention was to slip away rather than disturb you."

"It's fine."

He looked back at me with a frown. "Well I can tell you are upset and I do not want you to be upset with me. Darling..."

His hand reached toward mine.


He placed his hand on top of mine. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? My behavior, afterall, was thoroughly uncalled for."

"I suppose." I replied.

He raised a brow. "And how might I go about doing that?"

A smile played at my lips as I looked over at him.


"Well I've suggested it before but you have refused-"

He placed his hand from my hand to my mouth and he sighed. "Right."

I moved his hand away. "You don't have to-"

He glanced at me again and placed his hand on my mouth again. "Trust me I am perfectly aware of what I can and cannot do."

I stared at him with amusement.

"That being said..." His hand slowly slid from my mouth to around my throat.

His eyes traveled with it as his hand rested against my neck before he immediately removed them both.


"Well. I'll see about it."

And then he stood up. "Mr. Jordan asked me to get you to speak with him. If you so choose to speak with him, Fred Weasley volunteered to be there to help supervise the situation."

I thought about it for a moment before i nodded my head. "I'll go ahead and meet him then."

"Very well. Get ready, we will be leaving soon."

Severus glanced at Lee with disdain. A twinge of jealousy rested in his gaze. "Mr. Jordan." He greeted the boy.

"Professor." Lee replied.

Fred twiddled his thumbs out of awkwardness. I watched as the professor watched Lee.

"Right. Well, we only really need you for transportation." Lee stated as he looked directly at his teacher.

Severus seemed both shocked by his boldness and offended by his statement. Yet he kept his composure. "Very well then."

He then turned to me and leaned down so his lips were next to my ear. "If he does or says anything that makes you uncomfortably, do not be afraid to leave."

I gave a slight nod and turned to look at his face.

He gave a sympathetic frown before he leaned forward more and gave my forehead a gentle kiss before he turned on his heels and left.

When I returned my gaze to the two boys, Lee was watching Severus leave with a locked jaw and Fred was looking at me suggestively.

"Great. Why don't we all go inside so we can have a little chat?" Lee offered.

I looked at Fred awkwardly. He returned his stare. Someone he had been friends with since his first year having conflicts with someone he had grown close to since second must have been rather stressful.

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now