Is there a title? No. Why are you looking here? There is nothing.

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Lucius twirled a strand of my hair around his finger as his wife focused on my nails.

Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa's sister, watched the two of them with disgust.

"I don't see how you two could bear to even be near a filthy-"

"Now now Bella. We mustn't impose foul language toward our guests. Besides, such slurs needn't be tossed about. Insults have no affect toward y/n. You could call her a disgusting little skank and she'd fall to her knees for you." Severus said nonchalantly as he flipped the page of his book.

I opened my mouth but decided against causing a scene whilst in front of everyone else.

Lucius's eyes lit up at Severus's statement. "Don't even try it." Severus added, slamming his book close and standing up. "She bites."

"I do not-" I went to retort but found my sentence cut short when he leaned down between Lucius and Narcissa.

"Wanna bet little girl?" He asked.

"I- shut up. " I looked down and I heard the faintest chuckle escape the corners of his mouth.

He stood up once more and stuffed one hand inside his pocket whilst he slowly walked away.

"Ignore his taunts, y/n. He's just trying to get under your skin." Lucius coddled me.

I glanced up and over at him. "Really I hadn't noticed."

"Drop the attitude young lady." Narcissa snapped, casting me a testing look.

I swallowed hard and bit the inside of my cheek as her eyes slowly shifted back to my hands. Lucius let out a yawn, returning to twirling my hair around his finger.

Bella's back straightened and she fixed her composure randomly.

I felt Lucius stand up behind me.

"Is he like this all the time?" I muttered to Narcissa.

"No. In fact he only ever is when you are mentioned"

"Oh- doesn't that... Bother you?" I asked.

Narcissa shook her head and pulled her hands back. "No. I have an open relationship with my husband. He can be with as many partners as he so pleases, and I can do the same. So long as I'm aware of those he is with, it is fine. And he, I. You see, I don't see it fit to strain one relationship your entire life. I feel the constant need for... More?"

"I understand." I replied.

I didn't.

Lucius cleared his throat and nudged me with his knee slightly.

My gaze drifted to the entrance of the room, that was a big mistake.

Voldemort's cold eyes flew to mine, a sickening smile perching across his old and flaky lips.

"Ah yes. My guest of honor. Do come here, my dear." He requested, gesturing with his hand shyly.

I stood up, shaking my hands for a moment before I placed them behind my back and walked toward the wizard.

I could feel Bella's glare burning into the back of my head.

In her mind, I wanted to be with the dark Lord.

"Has Severus been treating you as well as I ordered?"

Severus cast me a questioned glance as he stood several feet behind the Lord in front of him.

"Yes. Of course he has, my lord." I replied.

He let out a satisfied sigh. "You can make anything sound pretty, can't you, my dear? It's a shame you weren't a pure blood. Then perhaps I would bed you."

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